MPC Daw and Overbridge missing VST?

Hi hi,

So, I’m very new to Elektron and I’m having major issues getting my stuff to work. I’m using MPC 2.0 DAW with an MPC One+, in controller mode all over USB in Windows 11. Overbridge Controller and the Analog/FX app run, and see my Analog/FX. However, I can’t seem to get the VST to work.

I see: ElektronOverbridge_AHFX_x64.dll
in the install folder, but nothing in any of the VST folders. So I copied it over, and upon scan to add to VST, it fails. No idea if it’s the right file or what I may be doing wrong.

I got the hardware because of Overbridge. So I’d really like to get it all working.

I know nothing about Elektron. But are you trying to run it as a VST? MPC Software doesn’t support VST3. There are workarounds but I never tried so I can’t help with that.

Thank you. Of course it’s something like that. Lol.

Yeah sorry about that. It’s 2024, but here we are with no VST3 support…

Well. I found a solution. Works like a charm.

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