Modor NF-1

A NF-1 was delivered last week. It is a good sounding digital synth that is fun to program. A solid complement to my overall synth setup at this time.

That said, I am surprise the NF-1 has not received much attention since its release.


Hey there folks ! I made a new video about the NF-1 from Modor Music with some help from the Polyend Tracker. Premiere this evening at 18:30, feel free to come say hi or ask any questions !

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I’ve an interest in picking an NF-1 up second hand, and have noticed almost every used listing has yellowing on the top surface of the knobs.

Any NF-1 owners able to comment on this…Obviously the choice of white plastic is going to be stain-prone no matter what, but I’m curious if this is universally the case and additionally if anyone has successfully cleaned up the knobs of an older unit.

Marcel has addressed this issue and is selling knobs made with a different type of plastic which does not yellow with time.


Ah, great this is just what I needed to know. Thank you!

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