Machinedrum suddenly stopped saving kits to specific patterns?


Relatively new MD user here… However I’m fairly well acquainted to the Octatrack, which I’ve been using in arrangement mode to control the pattern changes on my Machinedrum. I’ve written a whole live set with the two which I’m meant to be playing on Saturday… Lots of MD patterns with intricate Parameter locks and the like, lots of different kits as well.

Up until 10 minutes ago different kits were assigned to different patterns, the program changes of which were triggered by the OT. However MD has suddenly applied only one of my kits to every Pattern on the box… All of my Kits are still saved and patterns still there but only one kit on all of them, which completely screws my live set. I tried changing the kit on one of the patterns, which worked, but now all patterns have that kit applied. Anybody know what’s going on? I’m tearing my hair out here as if I can’t get this sorted by tomorrow I’m in big trouble.


You might have accidentally changed it into a classic rather than extended mode, iirc that has that effect (as well as disabling p locks). Just press the button to change back


I am an idiot, and you have saved my life :sweat_smile:

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used to happen to me all the time :smile:

Haha! I’ve been there many times :wink:

This is a feature. Playing a pattern with another kit, little accidents up the road.

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Yeah I would like to have the option to do this on the Digitakt, can definitely lead to some happy accidents!