Introducing Digitone

Yeah AMA pls !


Yes please!


Yes please.

I could listen to ya talk about FM all day.



Now that FM has some presence in recent machines, I think a new wavetable synth would be welcome. There are, of course, a lot of old machines that can do wavetables beautifully (Ensoniq, Waldorf, Et al). But I think a smaller 37-key synth in the vein of the new Quantum (like the Micro Q) would find a very generous market among the DT/DN/Volca crowd.

Until then, tek.waves is a fun toy:

Have you thought about an Elektron book ?
Maybe with elements of Chowning books, or co-written with him.
Where you go through the details of your passion for FM, the genesis of Digitone, and your FM synth secrets illustrated with Digitone (Ā© @t).

That would certainly be a good read.


Iā€™d love to see Elektron do a wavetable synth (with wavetables that can be affected by a BRR/SRR and analog overdrive) that has dual filters (an analog filter in series with a digital filter).

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Yes, please! Do you want to do that here on the forum? I guess the mods would like to do organize something fun like that instead of keeping us civil for onceā€¦ :wink:


Iā€™d say Elektron is at its best when they put their own spin on something.
Be it a sequencer, distortion box, a synth, or a sampler.
Iā€™d be very excited to see the kind of spin they would put on wavetable synthesis, especially with Simon in the mix.


Sorry to keep going on about the ā€œFM Theory & Applicationsā€ book, but I just found a review of it from the June 1987 issue of Sound on Sound that I enjoyed reading over my evening coffee. :slight_smile:

It might be nice in case someone over here or at Elektron is in a position to let Dr. Chowning know that his book is still in pretty high demand. Iā€™m sure Iā€™m not the only one who would be happy to pay for a decent ebook re-issue.


Same. It makes me wonder if there is enough computing power left on the DN to upload a wavetable synth in that vein.

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Donā€™t forget the Blofeld (which can take user wavetables too) - that does proper wavetable scanning and has nods to original era gear with LoFi settings and a PPG filter mode


The whole concept of the DN got me to thinking about wavetable synthesis in general, and compare the actual differences. With a wavetable synth, you usually get a bunch of different samples (or algorithmically generated in the case of the Virus) of evolving sounds that start out more simple, and become more complex. Youā€™re able to modulate the index of these samples, which then get sent through a filter & ADSR in a basic subtractive synthesis manner.

With the DN, youā€™d be able to create these ā€œsamplesā€ from scratch (using FM) as synthesized sounds, and modulate them to evolve in a much more vast amount of ways. Unless youā€™re using real samples of things like strings, pianos, voices, etc. that are typically found in wavetable synths, the vast majority of wavetables are usually things that sound like FM synthesis to me.

Ensonic and Korg changed the wavetable game with deep wave sequencing/layering. THAT is where the DN wonā€™t do by itself, but the DN + DT will prove to be a great combo in approaching that sound.

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Sorry if already mentioned, but when is the shipping date for the DO ordered on ?

@Ess @Dataline (sorry if not the good person tagged :wink: )

I was told this week.


How many operators does Novation Peak have? Does it allow different envelopes for operators?

Ordered ! Digitone (FM), Digitakt (Samples), A4 (Analog) and Blofeld (wavetables)ā€¦ feels like synthesis heaven to me :smiley:


man the more i check out all the namm vids of the DN again and again the more and more i really dig it.
sounds absolutely killer, and the interface is simply :kissing_smiling_eyes::ok_hand:

cant wait to get mine.


Ask me. Iā€˜ going through 3 charges of my phone a day checking for updates.


Thankā€™s ! Iā€™m so impatient to play with :smiley: