Introducing Digitone

ctrl-all controls the selected parameter on all 4 internal synth tracks, not the midi tracks.

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Dammit, my retailer lists ā€Q2 2018ā€ for availabilityā€¦ thatā€™s what, 2+ months from now?

96kHz huh? So does this get downsampled to 48kHz before exiting the DAC? Or can we actually output way above < 20kHz sounds with this one? :wink: With proper speakers, might be fun to upset some cats & dogs! Obviously the OB output is downsampled as its the usual 48kHz affairā€¦

Iā€™m guessing the 96k is just upsampled processing to keep aliasing at bay? To be downsampled to 48k before hitting the converters & outputs? Even then, the DN will never sound like a ā€vintageā€ FM synth, will be closer to ITB FMā€¦ Maybe I should hold onto my PreenFM2 a bit longerā€¦

One thing I was wondering though, and this has annoyed me to no end in many software FM implementations, I hear distinctive parameter steps & steppyness in the DN videos whenever a param is adjusted. This is annoying to say the least, I hope any modulations/plocking does not exhibit such zipper-noisesā€¦

thats a good question indeed but dont think theyre gonna make it without steps. i guess its specially difficult with FM as slight chagnes in the modulalator have already a big impact in timbre.

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Yeah, that I know. I used to spend a bit of time tinkering with AAS Tassman (was it version 4? I forget) protoyping all kinds of perverse FM tone generatorsā€¦ heh, one of them had 13 operators! and even then I realized that you either need an insane control resolution with some smoothing applied, or you need 2 params for everything (Coarse/Fine). But yknow, I was hoping that since the peeps @ elektron are quite a boffiny bunch, theyā€™d be able to suss it out better than a mere mortal :diddly:

Ok. So Iā€™ve let the initial disappointment of the DO reveal settle down in my head and given the demos a listen. The thing sounds absolutely fantastic. I can see myself picking one up used down the road when they drop to $500-$600 perhaps. I just canā€™t justify the limitations (4 tracks, 8 voices, 4 MIDI tracks) at the almost $800 price point. For my needs, this would be more like a fun toy then a ā€œnecessityā€ in my studio. I donā€™t use FM sounds all that often, so when I do, I usually just default to FM8.

With all that said, I do really love the smaller size of the DT and DO. I really am holding out hope for a MM/MD hybrid in that format for the next device.

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One thing Ive wondered is what if you ctrl-all a filter cutoff but some are hp and some are low pass?

Like you couldnt sweep up the frequencies on all channels(if High passing) if some were on Low pass /notch etc.

Wouldnā€™t you just end up with a 100% filtered sound then? ie. silence

I think you have to p lock the cutoff value for those you want to remain unchanged. I think Simon mentioned this in cuckooā€™s video when explaining control all.


Not if you only filtered 60-70% up freqs

Thats a good tip if i ever buy into the newer boxes. :thup:

@Ess the playlist ā€œDigitone Audio Examplesā€ is gorgeous, I keep on listening to it and itā€™s a real pleasure.
I would really love to see each track credited, itā€™s a very impressive work, both showing the sounds of the machine and displaying the skill of the producer!
In fact, I donā€™t recall having already been that much charmed by mere ā€œaudio exemplesā€ of a new instrument.


I think in one video Simon explains that the FM ratios are quantised for more musical results (if I understood correctly). I think this quantisation is what the ā€œzipper noiseā€ might be from. It seems to be part of the design. Also changing algorithms on the fly obviously must introduce some steppyness I guess.

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This, plus thereā€™s no slide so plocking will naturally sound like a ā€˜jumpā€™. Iā€™m sure parameters like filter freq will be smooth as usual, especially with those hi-res encoders.


In the other hand, there is a detune parameter to address this need to gradually change a frequency.
Way I see this box, it has not been designed to be the most complete FM synth (for this I think PreenFM 2 is really a beast) but a hands on, immediate FM synth, with which you can carve your sounds pretty quickly.
I consider myself a tourist when it comes to FM synthesis, I do believe Digitone is the tool I have been waiting for that will let me find my way in the galaxy of FM sounds.
This, and Chowningā€™s book, thx @t

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I guess elektron will never add a ā€QUANTIZE/LIMIT RATIOSā€ checkbox to the config, checked by default, like they did with the ā€LEGACY FX SENDSā€ on the rytm? One can hope.

Anyways, still hoping that some LFO trickery will enable more in-between ratiosā€¦


This kind of ā€œglitchinessā€ can no doubt be mitigated by subtle use of adsr amp envelope and the analog style post tone generator filter.

Iā€™m going to be spending the next few weeks getting very familiar with every DN demo out there as I eagerly wait. I agree with @LyingDalai, Iā€™ve never heard more enticing audio examples from Elektron before. It is a very beautiful sounding instrument that nails that hybrid sound I always feel like Iā€™m chasing (proudly digital yet organic). Iā€™m really into the sound in this demo right now.


Considering how a ton of wavetables are very similar (if not directly taken) from modulated FM sounds & other complex tones, modulating the DNā€™s ā€œharmonicsā€ parameter while filtering the oscillators will get very similar results to some classic wavetable synths I think.

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Iā€™m up for some kind of AMA deal if thereā€™s interest. Always happy to talk nerdy. :slight_smile: