Introducing Digitakt

Don’t see the harm in the labelling. Use it as rule of thumb for where you drop drum sample types or ignore it. At least it doesn’t have Mininova style ‘genre’ selector labelling :wink: but that’s easily ignored too…
Tho annoyingly for now the labelling does add to the ‘is it a drum synth’ fog…
I previously threw out that the labeling might be Shortcut related for tagged sample browsing… Maybe?

If you really don’t like the text it can be removed with isopropyl (on the Analogs anyway).


Yeah I suppose, I’m not taking too much of this very seriously.

I have no problem with the mono sampling. I’ve always used mono samples. Even in the OT I’ve had a hard time distinguishing between the stereo source and the mono sample. You can do anything with samples. I’ve never saw the advantage of having stereo samples unless it was full tracks. Synthesis in digital is really just sample/wave manipulation. I’m hoping the buttons/pads have some velocity sensitivity. I think it will have the granular/moving along the wave capabilities. I’m kind of excited for this one.

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Stereo is very interesting for samples already treated with e.g. reverb or chorus.
For instance, I often sample the Blofeld or the MM through Eventide Space.
Loosing the stereo in such case is a pity, it really break one of the biggest interest of the FX, ie. the spatialization…
The quality of the sample is then lowered.


[quote=“udenjoe, post:1210, topic:35326, full:true”]
…I’ve never saw the advantage of having stereo samples unless it was full tracks. …[/quote]

This. Stuff like the OT crossfader transition just became harder to pull off seamlessly. Sampling acoustic sounds in stereo is nice too when you want to capture some ambience and space.

Again, this does not really diminish the usability from a drumpler perspective, but it feels a bit limiting from a sampler angle.


No velocity sensitivity on the Digitakt pads according to Simon.

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No velocity is kind of a dealbreaker for me.

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if it has accent levels for drum hits im still in, more info more info :smiley:

I like the hardware on this, and how it looks. Its apparent lack of features does not excite me though.

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That’s standard on all elektron drum machines.

You need just one speaker ! :thup:
I have 2 ears, I need stereo.

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What’s the problem? The mono-sounds are mixed together in stereo. Isn’t the AR built the same way? And it is a drumsampler with good FX for sure…

The problem is that they used AR sample engine for Digitakt. It should have been stereo.
With AR it is normal with mono analog voices.
Not with DT.
I’m short with 8 stereo tracks in Ot.
Don’t know if Fx are that good. I doubt it.

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Some people want to use or sample with a wide stereo spectrum. Field recordings etc…

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Do you have a picture of yours?

Sampling is not what the Rytm is primarily meant to do, though. Elektron does charge a premium price for it, but sampling isn’t really what makes it expensive. The eight analog voices, individual outputs, and 12 pressure-sensitive backlit pads add a lot to the cost. Meanwhile, the Digitakt is a much smaller digital drum machine with none of those things that also happens to have sampling. Different beasts.

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I agree with everything you’ve said, but I hardly find it surprising. I think if anything, following the Overbridge roll out they’ve doubled down on the tight-lipped policy. I doubt their take-away was that they should have been more transparent; rather I think it was the opposite.

And while I agree that the theoretical communication strategies you’ve suggested make sense from our stand point and would be nice, I don’t think they see it that way. And I think it’s important to keep perspective in the case of the DT, that this is basically a theoretical product that doesn’t even exist yet. We may feel we need it and are entitled to the specifics, but…really? What were we all doing the day before the DT announcement…somehow surviving. Don’t get me wrong - I wanna know all this too! And it’d make things easier for planning investments. But they don’t owe any of us anything WRT the DT. Sort of an important distinction between that and something that’s been promised - like OB - and likely investments were made with that promise in mind.

Elektron remind me very much of a company I worked for in the communication strategy. My boss had a philosophy of not allowing the customer to “get into” our internal affairs (I was selling specialty foods to restaurants). If we were out of stock on a certain ingredient, he didn’t want us to make any promises about when we’d get it back in. This made my job very difficult in communicating to angry chefs who needed to know when they’d be able to put something back on the menu. I had to punt, and in some cases just make shit up. That’s what I see going on here - they’re protecting themselves from allowing everyone into the inner workings by just choosing to say nothing. I guess trying to play the ultimate game of under promise and over deliver. And I can certainly understand why - electronic musical instrument customers can be a nightmare. No one is ever satisfied.

So a smart strategy on the one hand, but it does run the risk of alienating and pissing off your customers. A fine line to walk, but hey - we love their products so I guess it’s all working. I have often thought though that it must be very difficult for Cenk - who by all appearances is a cool, down to earth guy - to navigate this dynamic. I’m sure he has very specific marching orders about what he can and can’t say, and it’s gotta be difficult when he’s about and about at NAMM and the like sticking to the script. But he seems to be doing well with it!


If everyone made as much sense as you did here, the world would be a better place.


Man, so many people are hung up on this being marketed as a “drum sampler” and that it can only sample in mono.

The MPC60 was also released as a drum sampler and look where that got us.

As for the mono thing, a) it has two 1/4" input jacks so that could be easily be made a moot point in a firmware update, and b) even if that doesn’t happen, embrace the limitations, be creative, and just. remember. to. have. fun.

Y’all some speculatin’ speculators over here.