Introducing Digitakt

By this logic your music production sampler Nirvana was already reached with the Electribe ESX (SD card storage) still readily available on the used market and even some old new stocks kicking around. But this logic is broken methinks, unless the ES-1 had some magic the later model lacked ?

No, you’re right. I had a go at the ESX and here’s where my logic failed and emotions kicked in -

First off, the ES-1 and Volca Sample both sound better than the ESX-1. They got that lofi crunch and it’s quite distinguishable. So better, as in I prefer that color.

Second, the ESX is pretty big - I like the small size factor of the VSample, the ES-1 and the DigiTakt.

Also, the ESX’s internal effects are pretty bad. The older machines are so dated in the quality of their fx, it actually contributes to the character. The ESX, in the effects area, is too close to pro fx quality, but not quite there, so I was more prone to not use them at all, since they neither had character nor that distinct fine quality, which I’m gonna assume the DigiTakt has.

Also, the - in comparison - substantially higher memory (64MB vs 25MB) allows for more looping and longer samples. Not a critical factor, given the sample time of the VSample and the ES-1, but certainly not a bad thing in itself.

Also, sample transfer through USB and some slick interface certainly adds to the DigiTakt’s favour, in comparison with the ESX.

All in all, though, these are just practical arguments, versions of my emotional experience with the ESX that boiled down to the fact that I just didn’t enjoy it all that much compared to the ES-1 and the Volca Sample.

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I hear ya - so the ES-1 did have some magic then (I personally love the ER-1 sound and crappy delay) and the form factor/immediacy makes sense here too. From this point of view maybe the ES-1 makes a pretty good comparison.

It’s very charming. I’ve heard many prefer the ES-1 before the ESX, because of its character (it has that funky delay you mention, for starters) and immediacy, compared to the pretty immediate ESX as well. Though by features, it falls way short. It’s not uncommon that sample-heads run both in parallell, using the ES-1 as a drummer and the ESX for more elaborate work.

For those mentioning that they’ve bought the Digitakt at a discount from particular retailers, you might want to cease that talk around here. A few years ago on these forums I happened to make an idle mention about buying an Elektron machine from a particular retailer at a discount (and not much of one, the usual 10% IIRC)…within a few days, Elektron contacted the retailer and forced them to cease allowing discounts on Elektron gear. So, if you find a deal, treat it like the first rule of Fight Club.


ii° 0oOH, it’s an introduction…There will be after its release ,a topic on, who does what with? Those continuity on the companions of digitakt and; remixes …and more ^^:3lektron:
Check this one

We still don’t have a demo? I wonder why as Cenk has obviously had the unit for a long time. Maybe they are having issues with it, or maybe they are adding new features because of criticism towards lack of depth in the unit?

I’m willing to bet it’s issues with overbridge. OB can be a fickle beast.



Its pretty simple, we will show the unit when it is ready to be shown :slight_smile:


So why bother showing it at all, when it was sooo far from ready?

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You ask wrong question to the wrong person :slight_smile:


True :grinning:

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So it’s still not ready?

So, if its not ready yet - why does Bax Shop tell me that they expect the arrival of the first units on April, 18th already?! Are they misinformed? They said they got this info from their supplier! Do they lie to me?! :wink:

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Superbooth is the answer jejejejej

Pre-order today! :troll:

Yes? It’s been stated via the product page the unit is shipping in May. I believe the dates at NAMM mentioned April. Also, as others have stated, preorders thru a reseller/dealer are likely to ship even later.

…they stated the price between 600 and 650 at namm too, so what? “don´t care about what i said yesterday…” :kissing_closed_eyes:

People wait for superbooth2017,cenk will show the basics on the DT at least it will not be silent behind some glass jejejej

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