I’m In love with the coco

It sounds like should focus on your health and not worry too much about music machines for the time being.

Best of luck to you.


Sorry you are feeling down. If it means anything, you’d probably have to be a pretty cool guy to hold onto a monomachine while battling homelessness. :~)

Are you familiar with copy and pasting pages? You could, for example, copy the fourth page, and then paste it into a new pattern. After live tweaking this page in your separate pattern, copy the page and paste it back into the original, longer pattern you were working with earlier. I know it’s not nearly as convenient as just locking a pattern to one page, but it’s probably the best workaround you have for now.


You heard of music therapy ? Idk … I feel like a some people are very casually casting shadows. I don’t feel like this comment comes from
A good place…

Peeper duke!!!

@Zooropa I do believe @toot’s words were genuinely positive and ment as a support from a fellow user. This community shows good willingness most of the time. Compare the reactions to the tone of your first post, if you doubt it :tongue:

Don’t hesitate to contact support, as suggested earlier. They’re not magicians, but might offer you a good insight about what can be done. Of course, take it easy, any aggressiveness would lead you nowhere…

Take care of yourself.


When you make a thread stating the machines you use to create music are causing you extreme grief (among other things)…I don’t think someone suggesting you focus on your health comes from a bad place.

It doesn’t sound like you are getting therapy from making music.

Personally I can sit in front of anything that can be used to make music & enjoy myself. The day I’m unable to do that is the day I need to take a break from it… & maybe even reevaluate.

What I mean by that is, are you sure it’s the gear? I mainly ask this due to the amount of Elektron gear you bought. Only reason I have 3 MPC’s is because I absolutely ADORE MPC’s. If I didn’t absolutely love them, I wouldn’t buy 2 little lone 3. You bought 5 Elektron machine’s & they’re not cheap.
It very well could be the gear, but if something you enjoy becomes joyless it’s easy to blame the tools.

If you have a lot of Elektron devices & something is wrong with each piece of gear, it’s easy for it to leave a bad taste in your mouth, so I get that too.
But the past is done & cannot be changed. If you honestly feel it is the gear that causes you grief, then sell the gear & buy something else. Even if you lose money selling the gear, the money you get from selling it is better than grief…better than not using it…better than nothing.

Think about what you want out of music production… then take the steps to get there. If making music is your therapy, look for gear that will give it a more therapeutic experience.

Even if it doesn’t feel like it I bet you got a lot out of your Elektron gear. You at least now know what type of workflow you like, features you feel you need, what you DON’T like, ect, ect. The experience you had with past gear can help you decide what’s best for you.

& all of the above comes from a good place :grinning:
I struggle with drug addiction…& I’ve been on methadone for 12 years. Didn’t think I would be on it this long, but every time I would try going down on my dose I would go thru a depression & just bump my dose back up.
Then, I found music production.
It is the reason I have been able to go from over 100 mg’s to now 47 mg’s.
It IS my therapy. It’s my life.
So I feel for you… when something you love becomes frustrating or joyless it can mess with your head.


Recording engineers usually take breaks from long sessions due to ear fatigue and being saturated with music. You are in MA, go watch the Red Sox maybe, taking a week off wont hurt.

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A large woman . A large woman eating a very beautiful potato on fire :woman_facepalming:

Also hear that … I’m on suboxone and I really want to jump off but my doc says it’s way to early (5 months )

Also I REALLY love dogs … also I am really excited about the MPc live . I am realizing a big part of what I am missing is feeling like I am locked into my living situation . I think that the live would present a really good way to break free .

Everything of mine was stolen except for my Monomachine and digitone (that Is elektron). Since I have started using Elektron stuff I have used many other things . One of the most inspiring things for me was actually the electribe 2 … mainly because I could create anywhere. Sadly that was stolen too .

But yeah I really love being able to have things that I can walk around with

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I have older MPCs but theyre somewhat similar to the electribe when it comes to pads, muting tracks with pads…theres a lot of differences, but workflows are similar. Mpcs are great jamming machines, plus the Live has alot of great features…can make quality stuff. Ive been watching it since it came out, considering selling my 2500 to fund it, but I really like the 2500.
Maybe buy a Live with a return period incase you dont like it.

With respects to suboxone, just feel it out…if you think you’re ready, your life is pretty straightened out, you don’t think youll relapse (if stayin clean is important to you) maybe try tapering down…if you get too sick, stop tapering for abit. Its taking me some time, but my brother got off it in 1 & a half years… it just depends how you feel, physically, mentally… what your enviornment is like…
Good luck man! If you end up switching gear around let us know how it goes

& Im sorry your stuff got stolen. Sounds like a decent amount of stuff. That sucks. Hopefully things start movin the other way for you.
Life seems to work that way… once you get your shit together things start falling in line

I’ve been trying to swap some stuff on the marketplace tab … not having much luck though… s lot of lowball replies … Ps everyone here has been really awesome and I appreciate it . Thank you


Have you tried Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist? I sometimes find some really great gear for sale or trade on there. Spotted an MPC 1000 on there for $250 the other day, looked a little rough but not a bad price. You do however run the risk of meeting shady people though, be careful. Hope you find some good gear to get you back in the swing of things!

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I thought you meant making jungle music. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I’d love to see this mechanic utilized.

Best of luck on the transition-might open new inspiration.

The comment came from a place of compassion, definitely not trying to throw shade - sorry if it came across that way.

I’m more concerned for the totality of you as a human being than I am about your music.
Health is far more important than how your music’s going. I know those things may feel very linked to you but that’s just a thought/feeling and you have more of a choice in your attitude to that sort of thing than you may realise.

If it’s getting you down at the moment shift your focus to hanging out with dogs, getting a good amount of food, sleep and exercise (things I neglected for a looooong time to my own detriment), spending time with good people etc.

Maybe trying doing some dog walking? Hanging out with dogs :white_check_mark: getting exercise :white_check_mark: being physically tired and getting better sleep :white_check_mark: earning money so that fixing gear is more affordable :white_check_mark:

Hope you make it through and again, best of luck out there.


are you on Muffwiggler?
Their marketplace is very active and I’d say it’s only 50% modular items. Lots of gear there and I’ve had good success as a seller and buyer.


I would also suggest Muff. One thing to keep in mind is that if selling a broken gear, people tend to expect to buy for peanuts. It’s partially because the buyer expects the worst. Maybe its just broken fuse but maybe you have to make a diagnosis and find the right parts (that can be out of production), redesign the damaged area on circuit board and still have it not perfectly working at the end of the day. A guy just sold Moog Voyager rack in this forum with broken filter section for 300GBP. These easilly go over 1500GBP if working. Long story short: You are usually much better repearing the things before selling them.