I’m In love with the coco

Whip it in the glass


It’s good to let it out sometimes. I hope things get better for you, and hope you’re okay.


I’m enjoying a fancy beer

Sell it all and move on to something that doesn’t cause you so much stress.

I’ve heard tending to bonsai is very therapeutic.


Sorry to hear about your situation, really sucks and I hope this vent helps somewhat.

Just wanted to know more about the measures, is that really a thing on these machines (I am assuming the same for the Digitakt) that a user can’t just jump to any other measure instantly to edit?

if the digitone, push2 and monomachine has destroyed your productivity I suggest selling and going back to when you feel you were most productive. Dont get stuck in buying new gear if its taking too much time away from music making.


you have to click through the 4 different pages (measures) and you can edit the number of pages you have up to 4. There is no button or shortcut to skip into any page number you want instantly.

ah ok, just like on every other Electron machine, I have an Octatrack, same thing. Not really an issue for me personally.

same, muscle memory eventually kicks in, like a double click on a mouse


Just let the grey days pass away, go to the sea or any place that let you breathe some fresh air. No drugs/alcohol…
And come back to the machines once you have a clearer mind : if you still feel pissed of about them, sell them.

I got all the Elektron and they feel real solid, even if I bring them with me a lot (with PL-2 and Thomann bag, usually). Only hardware pb I ever had were the encoders aging, but that was on a second hand OT.


A triple clic is much more difficult! :slight_smile:

What about juggling in the jungle?


The other night, my grandmother stayed up to watch the Red Sox game. She was up until 3am howling like the wind . I was up too, because my keurig machine was practicing with its new band in the basement all night . I hate 80s cover bands !!!


  • List item

fingers were not made fast enough to triple click

Of course, but there is a great workaround : double clic + single clic with another finger! :thup:


Cuckoo googoo tutu voodoo

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it sounds like youve had a rough time , but im surprised how many elektron pieces you’ve had considering some of the key issues you have with them are the same on all of their devices. (editing specific pages).

the price they charge seemed ok to me , they have to pay the bills / employees …and theyre hardly responsile for the euro to dollar conversion … i’m sure theres someone in usa that can fix it, if its purely the encoders / buttons that need soldering , … theres a facebook group for synth repair which seems quite broad , maybe try there … i’m sure shipping would at least be cheaper. some of the images of 30 year old synths with weird wiring on there give me the impression some tech guys can work wonders.

the main gear i’ve had that has felt ‘tank like’ was some nord gear , maybe the sp16 from pioneer though i dont think you’d be happy with that either .
ive certainly spent more on laptops that havent lasted as long or felt tank like than some of my elektron gear.

maybe as the digitone has 4 x tracks ‘they’ could try PAGE + TRK number for direct jump to parts 1 to 4 , or use another button to move the opposite way when pressing PAGE but without trigging a key/arp or something i cant see a way of doing ‘alt’ page

i’m sure my response hasn’t helped , in some respects i’d encourage you to focus on settling into a flat / area you are happy with , it’ll probably sort your head out , reduce stress and then allow you to get back to hobbies …

I try not to think of purchasing electrical equipment as investment(unless its cheap and i’m trying to make money from selling it at a profit) , sure i put time into them , but money wise it’s buying a product … since i’ve been out of work i’ve certainly embraced selling items and trying to separate my thoughts on the potential that the devices could have , with the reality that they’re electrical devices like a toaster or a lawn mower . I dont ‘invest’ money in an iphone but i know many people gain a large degree of self worth from having the latest electrical gadget , i’m sure i was like that many years ago. (i’v just upgraded from iphone 5 to 6s as i jumped off that upgrade bandwagon many years ago).

its good to vent though , i used to use twitter to complain but i managed to remove it from all of my devices a few months ago and feel better for doing it.


Sounds like you’re mega burned out at the moment (I’ve been there many times). Step back, clear the clutter, and come back when you’re ready. It’s what works for me and keeps me wanting to come back to my gear, explore, and learn something new.

Maybe say screw the gear for a while and get through a music book, aesthetics book, or some fiction and just get inspiration somewhere else?

I also feel the “edit per page” BS, but I just deal with it. Good point: You’re forced to hear your parts in context lol

Hoping for the best for you! :muscle:


I was thinking for the Mechanics Of the loop function… hold shift , double tap the page button to stick to the current page , and then same to escape locked / looping page … OR … hold page on page number , double tap play , … something like that . The issue I have is when I am writing melodies / complex chords … it is maddening to stack notes in the way that I need to create the changes I want . For drums and such it is fine , but I am very much led by my ear and this would make such a huge difference. Something I loved about the push is the loop concept … something that the circuit kiped … it’s very novel actually . Honestly , doubling the. # of pages and having a page lock mechanic like this would blow
My mind . Sorry I got so dour, guys … thank you for the pick me up as well. I am now sober and moved from a giant metropolis to a town of 3k people and rarely socialize at all …


I’m wishing you Zoodles of love and sending all sorts of cosmic good vibes to you… :monkey::sparkles:
I have great hope that things will turn around for you, hang in there…
I believe our thoughts shape our reality, I encourage you to tell yourself and believe things will get better, even if it looks bleak at the moment… Much love and blessings… Catch ya on the flip side!