How to tune a rytm kick to A1?

Hi there,

I received my Rytm a few months ago and I am currently working on my kicks

Currently sending the rytm kick through an Eventide Space reverb to create that bass heavy techno rumble… With mixed results, but slowly progressing towards the sound I want :).

However, I struggle a bit with tuning the kick on the rytm.

For example, when using the BD Hard, I would like to pitch it down to A1 (around 55 Hz). When turning the tune knob on the synth page I see (in voxenga span analyzer) hardly any movement towards the 55 hz area.

When I sample the kick in Ableton and then tune it down +/- 2 semitones as a sample, it is very easy… :wink:

Suggestions how I can achieve the right tuning on the synth page? Thanks in advance.


as you can see the tuning on the rytm is a bit difficult…

I can tune the bd hard from 12Hz to 380Hz by using the TUN parameter on the synth page.

maybe try using the LFO assigned to Pitch - at a speed of zero, adjust the Dep parameter strength to go upwards or lower, by using an initially ascending Triangle shape wave (to make the Pitch go up) or some other shape that starts off by descending (to make the Pitch lower)?