Elektron analog rytm and midi foot controller

Ok, I bought the 8 foot pedal version of this midi solutions pedal.

It works fine for Start/Stop with my older Electron MD, but it freezes my Analog Rytm when I send the same command to it.

Do the different Electron devices handle Start/Stop the same?

On 2nd thought, I guess it is because it is missing tempo. Hmmm, let me think about this some more.

I guess I want, one pedal for tempo and another for start/stop.

Then I want another pedal for program/pattern changes but I will get to that later…

Ok, that worked. You need to setup one as Tempo, the other as Start Stop and turn Echo off on the midi solutions box.


Bout to grab a guitar and play!

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I am up to 6 pedals working!!!

Pedal 1 = Tempo (MD + Analog Rytm)
Pedal 2 = Start / Stop (MD + Analog Rytm)
Pedal 3 = Program Change Increment on (Analog Rytm ch1)
Pedal 4 = Program Change Decrement on (Analog Rytm ch1)
Pedal 5 = Program Change Increment on (MD ch5)
Pedal 6 = Program Change Decrement on (MD ch5)

I am in heaven!!!

Now I just wish I could use Pedal 7 and 8 to mute the Kick drum on Analog Rytm and then MD.

Whatever, this is awesome for now, I feel like Pat Metheny :wink:


Well, assuming you have the kick drum always on track one in the AR, you can MIDI control it as follows:

MIDI ch01 / CC number 94 / value 0 = mutes AR track one
MIDI ch01 / CC number 94 / value 127 = unmutes AR track one

you’d need to be able to toggle between these two values with your pedal…

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What sort of pedal are you using, is it one of those Behringer FCB1010?

any word on which footswitch works? looking to solve this as well. .

Keith Mc Millen Softstep works well.

I use a KMI 12step to controll my whole rig. I also have some programs for the RYTM which are:
Triggering voices: Set global quantize high, press liverecord and jam out playing keys with your hands and creating a drum pattern with your feet.
Scene changes: this one is obviously very handy(feety?)
Chromatic mode: play some bass with tour feet. I also have a program that controls the chromatic mode on the RYTM+My sub37 for layered stuff.
Mutes: Feety as fuck.
I’m sure there are other fun ways I haven’t thought of too.

KMI’s stuff is great.

Hi Dream-Synthesizer, how did you program the 12step to send mutes ? I want to do it with A4.
Also, did you manage to send “pattern change to the next one” midi message ?

The Analog Four does not have a MIDI message that corresponds exactly to “change pattern to the next one”.

However, you can use the Multi Map feature to achieve this.

Edit to add: actually, it seems that I am wrong about this. See below.

Thank you a lot !
How can I do this ?

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this will probably help you out, and if you still have doubts/questions, make sure to check the A4 manual

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Thank you a lot.
According to the manual, multi map allows each key to change to its own pattern (i. e. C1 = A01, C#2= A02), I tried and it does work, but not a SINGLE key to change pattern to the next one (i. e. C1 = A01, C1 pressed again = A02…)
Does anyone know if there is a solution for this ?

Have you tried playing with the PATTERN INC setting (probably with a value of 1) in the Multi Map editor?

Edit: seems that this suggestion of mine does not work. See below.

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Pattern Inc settings sets how many pattern the A4 will jump to when you change a key :
C1 = A01, C#1= A02
C1 = A01, C#1 = A03…
but to my knowledge you can’t increment pattern from a single key.
At least you have a pedal doing this. But neither the KMI Softstep nor the 12step can do this.

Oops, sorry. I misunderstood the function.

I just got my softstep. I programmed it in the simple editor like this but the AR doesn’t respond. Do I need different values for the banks of the bottom row? I want to send PC’s to select the first 5 patterns and the top row to select 5 scenes. I am sending on Midi channel 14 because this is the autochannel.
I am sending the scene commands on CC 92 because that is where I need to send them, right? Am I overlooking something here?

Got them both working. The expander output only works with the minijack input on the softstep apparently. And the bank needs to be set to 1.

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how do you program scenes? CC92 and then toggle 0 and the respective scene number?