Digitone or Minibrute 2s?

I was going to get rid of my A4 MKII and get a digitone, but I need the CV to clock my DFAM, which has no midi. So I have a Minibrute 2s on order, but I have a lot of stuff that does similar bass (Sub 37, Avalons x2, Minitaur.) I also think the Digitone would be a little more versatile as well. What would ju doo?


get a korg sq-1


Don’t get rid of an A4 MKII… Digitone isn’t worth it.


If all you need is clock rather than 1v/octave cv control, then any loud narrow puls wave will do the trick. You can make one on audacity or other software ans sequence. If you actually want to sequence with the digitone, you can probably do the same with a very short and loud sound, but it’s kind of a waste of a track on the digitone. I’d slave the DT and the Moog to the computer or other sequencer.

Fm poly vs analog mono? :thinking:


Thanks guys, I do software all day. When music time comes, it’s minimal computer. There is one Midi to CV converter I’ve seen but there’s a waitlist of course.

Why do you say that?

I’d take a Digitone over A4mk2 any day, as I find the A4 bland.
Wouldn’t buy the Brute2 either as you have 3 analog mono synths already.
Actually I’d sell them all except Sub37, and buy Digitone.
Bonus you’ll have heaps of cash in your sky rocket also

That’s what I’m finding too. The A4 is kind of uninspiring to me.

Hmm… I’d say get the digitone, its a shame DFAM doesn’t have a built in midi solution… Maybe it would make sense to get rid of the minitaur and get a mother 32 also? Then permarack the mother32 and DFAM together… It would have the bonus of opening up the DFAM for a lot more possibilities with patchability also. Unless you feel like your other gear doesn’t already cover the sound of the minitaur well. I would think the sub 37 covers it pretty well though.

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LOL, I just got the minitaur. I originally wanted a Mother 32, but I am not really impressed by the sounds / videos I’ve seen

Do you still have the Rytm? The impulse machine can be used to send pulses to start the sequencer on the DFAM. Just need to disable the desired channel from the mains output and use the individual out.

Minibrute 2/2s has two Oscillators

+1 for this. If the A4 doesnt Work for you…sell it plus the Rest and get only the Digitone.
Keep Sub37, it can cover all DFAM sounds plus much more.

I’m exactly in the same position here.
Both can really really be companions.
Very different, very complementary.

agree with some here about to consider midi to cv in your case.
If you have modular rack, endorphine.es shuttle control is the one to do that (and many more)

Next compelling setup proposal:

Sell the A4 and the Sub. Connect the following setup

Arturia Keystep
Pittsburgh Modular Microvolt 3900
Bastl Instruments THYME

and have fun :slight_smile:

Yeah, but I have had the A4 on Craigslist for a few weeks. Only offer was $800
I don’t use ebay or paypal.

I just got the Sub 37 BTW. Sold my last one and was pissed that I did. Gonna keep this one. I hope :slight_smile:

Yes, RYTM MKII. Hmm… I didn’t know you could do that.

I don’t know what I prefer, all I know is all the current stuff I have just seems noisy :laughing: and it might be time for something a bit different than just banging acid stuff.

You could try your hand at Hindu bhajans…

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