Arrange mode with two Octatracks strange behavior

I’m performing for a few days with 2 OTs, it’s really nice, but I notice a strange behavior:
I play in arrange mode, one OT is master, the other is slave. the master is in arrange mode and, for this to work, the slave is out of arrange mode.
when they are stopped and I choose a point in the arrange, when I press play on the master OT, the slave OT starts the pattern in the wrong step. and it is very unpredictable.
so far, I have been choosing the arrange point and pressing stop twice in the slave OT, so it reset the clock before I play start on the master. by doing this, it works. but it is annoying since I play in a band that every song is arranged in only one arrangement and we stop the clock in every end of the songs… so I always have to worry to reset the clock on the slave OT.

I don’t get it.

So why do you need to change Arranger rows?

Wrong step or row? Pattern is the right one?

1 - because eventually we change the songs order and many times the singer asks to stop the song as part of the performance… so I have to have everything organized in one place and ease to go. every song have a different bpm and structure, so it is convenient to set it like this.

2 - wrong step of the correct pattern. very strange. I think it is related with the “song position” midi data, but I don’t know why it is like this and how to fix it…

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I usually solve it by making the last pattern of a song an 16 steps empty pattern, and then choose to loop the last row infinitly. That way I can choose when ever I want to start the next song and which song in perfect harmony :slight_smile: And by making the loop only 16 steps I know that the next “1” will be the start of the song after pressing “Yes” for row change.
Edit: this way you never have to press stop.


I thought about this too. I hope it would suit @joaommeirelles.

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I’ll try it!