
this will need some work behind the scenes to make things more fluid and it’s something i’ll get fixed

thanks! I was just wondering if I should buy a new PC :wink:

:smiley: nope, don’t need to do that :slight_smile:

just updated the iOS version for some new beta testers and didn’t realize i also resent the email to those who already had 1.5.6 installed, sorry about that :expressionless:

edit: i’ve only added screen orientation to the app although on an iPhone it’ll only work in landscape mode. may drop iPhone support if UI needs to change…will need to think about it

Thanks, it works perfect with my Itrack dock!!! yahooo

only thing is (and maybe a bug) but it’s really small on my iPad mini. There is lots of screen real estate around it!

nice one :slight_smile:
yep, the UI will sooner or later change to fit the different screens properly.
not sure when this is going to happen but it’ll come time for it as well,in the meantime, keep having fun! :wink:

When will this be out on ipad? Hope soon… :slight_smile:

…a quick note to apologize with those of you who registered for beta testing the iOS version and are still waiting :expressionless: i’ve been dealing with a couple of real-life things which have slowed down development therefore i haven’t been able to get much done
i should start working again on this randomizer and the others from next week (i’ll make sure windows users will be up to date as well)

finally managed to get the ball rolling again :slight_smile:
version 1.5.8 is now available for Mac and iOS; Windows soon

Hi guga, i know you haven’t asked for a donation, but can i send you some via paypal ?

Edit: found your bandcamp, i will buy your album instead :slight_smile: with a bonus.

Does that reach you ? I found a different email vs your mail on your website?

Just a quick programming question. Did you use a wrapper library for CoreMidi? If so, which library?


hi sternenlicht, thanks a lot, much appreciated :slight_smile:
there’s a donation button at the bottom of each app page on the website; bandcamp should work fine although i can’t really tell, there’s not been much happening from that end :thinking: :sob:

i’m using XCode/VisualStudio for apps development :alien: :slight_smile:

Yes, but how are you sending MIDI messages? Are you using Apple’s CoreMIDI directly and doing it all from scratch, or using a 3rd party library like PGMIDI?

…should have posted this one here as well i guess (reference to the topic) :slight_smile:

the new version of the randomizer(s) uses Core MIDI; this means that there’ll also be things that will change.
i’m/was using an external library to develop the current version but won’t be using it for future ones
the library is really good and comes with a lot of handy code and it allows you to target different OSs without much effort but…it’s way too expensive for my pocket… :thinking:

another for the new version of the randomizer :slight_smile:
beta testing should hopefully begin soon, stay tuned :astonished: :joy:

edit: fixed link…

…anyone fancies giving it a try :confused:

Hope to get round to it tonight, guga!

nice one! :slight_smile: let me know when/if you’re around so we can coordinate things. i’ll be here for few more hours :astonished:

Did not find the time yesterday.
Next try 10am CET today.