Anyone else feel almost a bit "spoiled" by Elektron gear?

Have you played live with a laptop, controller, and interface much? My experience, with a modern laptop, was a lot of instability compared to my Octatrack. Again, I’m not on a team here. I use my desktop for production daily with no issues. But live it was a different story.

Yeah never had a problem, but obviously it’s possible for both a computer and hardware to fuck up

I’m also a big fan of computers and have many soft synths and software, myself. I personally wouldn’t use one live because that’s just not who I am and it’s not the kind of music I make. When I was in a band that used tons of samples and some backing tracks we recorded ourselves, it was all 404, 505 and Octatrack for us…

That being said, I noticed that as I gravitated more toward software I found myself NOT sound designing or playing or tweaking and also found myself missing that component. There is something wholly uninspiring about fiddling with knobs on a screen or even connecting your midi controller to those knobs and fiddling with them that way. I rarely make patches in my software. I then realized my only hardware synth is half broken so I decided to buy a couple Elektron boxes…This was all just a few months ago. Now I’m able to scratch my sound design/tweaking itch and also able to load up some great soft synths if I need quick and easy, straight forward patches from Serum, Arturia, etc.

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For sure. For whatever reason my MacBook gave me a ton of problems with audio crackling and dropping out. I tried 3 or 4 different interfaces and always had problems when I had large Ableton sets. It became an issue for me which is how I ended up here, tbh. But I love Ableton and still do most of my sound design with plugins.

I completely agree but also feel like a crazy person for saying so! Makes me feel like a diehard fanatic who sneers at any piece of gear that doesn’t have the Elektron way…But again: P locking and conditional trigs and all of the routing capabilities of Elektron machines just make so much sense I can’t fathom why other companies don’t follow suit. I don’t have an OP-1 but it has something similar to p locks, right? And of course some of those TE guys are ex-Elektron.

EDIT: It’s also even crazier to me considering these machines have been around since what, 2003? 2004? 15 years and the industry still hasn’t caught up?


I’m fresh to the Elektron way. It’s definitely different. I do feel it’s a lot more playable then other machines I have used before. I got the Digitone to compliment my Digitakt and was immediately overwhelmed. But then I just realized it’s all about the sequencers with elektron gear. Where mpc for me was all about the pads chopping then the sequencer. I also like the fact the gear makes you learn and get better all around.


Well, I guess I’m the opposite here. I get rid of Elektron more and more. I once had A4, Digitone, Rytm, Octatrack. Sold the A4 and now the Digitone. Octatrack will be next and I’ll keep the RYTM only.

I wanted to go away from the computer and bought me some Elektron machines just to realize they are slowing me down even more. Plus I never gelled with the sound of Elektron (except RYTM}.

These days, for me it’s all about sound quality and instant playability. No more menu diving for me and no super sequencer tricks could change that. I guess it’s just the process of learning what suits you best.

agreed, i for one just love the work flow of the older silver boxes, they spoil me, so easy, so beautifully designed, so many machines to choose from and i’m not interested in the conditional locks, scenes and the rest.

what i’d love to see is from elektron with the seq is backward and forwards sequencing, snake mode like rene. oh, crtall all on all machines, elektron editor which allows us to construct our own machines like max for live
i love the old idea of machines and loading machines rather than presets
well i guess the silver and Ot machines are kinda like preset building blocks but i love the machine loading concepts

I’m spoiled by my Nord G2. Once in a while it has a companion synth, but they never stay. Only the Octatrack survived next to the G2. It’s my spoiling duo.


4 ins and 4 outs each make the OT+G2 a perfect match :heart_eyes:

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Me ? Spoiled by Elektron? I don’t see why… :thinking:


My first plockable sequencer was the Jomox XBASE 09, released in 1997 :wink:


I Had that too…hated the sequencer…

Novation Circuit nailed the plockability.

Yes indeed, also a reason that no other gear will fit :wink:
Although i mostly have a small mixer between them and a Eventide Space somewhere.

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user interface is the only advantage is see in hardware nowadays. But at what cost!

Anytime I see a new elektron product, i think “yeah but it won’t have the Moog sound”
I am spoiled by other brands too :sweat_smile:

I do feel spoiled a bit by Elektron gear.

I’m an ITB guy at heart but with a reasonable interest in OTB gear. ie. ITB is just easier to me but I absolutely appreciate the appeal of OTB. Overbridge (once it fully lands) blurs the lines between the two significantly enough to the point that I can’t fully enjoy a piece of hardware that doesn’t have strong integration with a computer. Whether that be audio over USB or some other feature.

I was incredibly lucky enough to get the Moog Voyager that @DavyP was selling. It’s getting fixed just now and, if I’m lucky, will be back in my hands today. It’s a wonderful beast of an instrument. Will be interesting to see if I can get over the “limitations” of OTB gear and thus, triumph over my small mindedness towards OTB gear with little integration.

Anyway, in short, I have absolutely been spoiled by Elektron gear haha!

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But for many, that’s a big one


I only use hardware because snowden hasnt tapped into my elektrons (yet)


there are more though.

For me too! :slightly_smiling_face: