Alternative forum?

Kinda reminds me of this good ol story…


Your 22 mate.
When I was 22 the internet had just started and mobile phones didn’t exist.
Awesome times.
The best advice I ever got when I was your age was from an old bloke I knew. He told me to dump my girlfriend, surf all day, party as hard as possible and chase as many chicks as I can. I took him up on it, and that was truly great advice.
There’s more than enough time for meaningless internet banter when you are old and decrepit with nothing else to do.



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Story makes me think about working class heroes. Greatness.

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Ya know, it really can be that simple…

A lot of the world is acting like a donkey with a pole attached to it with a carrot hanging from it, constantly running after it yet it’s never attainable…

It’s quite possible to be a donkey eating the carrot, if you just stop chasing it, chew the cord that’s attaching it instead, and remove the pole…

To pull into topic, G.A.S. is also very much like this… New gear is the carrot, practicing is removing the pole, mastering and performing is eating your carrot…


Thats a great tune right there!

I grew up in the pre-internet, pre mobile phone era, and I’m glad I did, I kind of feel sorry for young people today, social media and the internet is a gilded cage, thankfully people now seem to be realising this, but I do think in 20 years some people will be wondering where their life went.


“Once in a lifetime”. Great track!

I will finish my weekend with maybe one of my favourite albums.

Enjoy life and music everybody! There are more things in life than the internet and fancy bulletin boards :panda:


When it comes to this forum you must understand the History of it. It all started with the elektron-user Forum. Independent from Elektron. The owner of that forum unfortunately passed away at a young age and Elektron jumped in and took over that forum to save the community so to say. That nowadays the topics and PPL shift is to me a natural Thing. The community evolves.


Haha you’re actually 37. Good one
Well my advice still stands :joy:


thanks for the tip :slight_smile: looks like a nice place :slight_smile:

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Currently I’m on on the run, from life! :joy:
I Lost my shape, Trying to act casual! I ran away from home, and my Octatrack even… I’ve been living n my car, haha… It’s been great though and I’ve been combining beautiful nature experiences with Internet bulletin boards… It’s been helping me out immensely on a spiritual level…

Talking heads said take me to the river, so I did…
It’s just raging right now so I couldn’t drop me in the water, or I’d be a goner… :rofl:
This afternoon:


memoriessss :-\


Registered at ‘lines’, looks promosing! I used a launchpad as a poor man’s monome in max, so even if it becomes a gear specific niche thing, I’ll wing it!

Thanks all for turning this topic into an entertaining one with valuable lessons. The big one I’ll try and take from it is I only do on big spin on this world and it’s important to have fun and try to stay a bit more positive!

I’ll stay lurking around here too, love you all!


lmao maybe just calm down already


I’d never even heard of the Monome when I joined… it just seemed like a nice place to visit.

Been there, a few times.

Lived in a trailer for a while, travelled the world a few times to get perspective, but it was all more distraction than a way to the source. :smiley:

Keep going, life is amazing.


I doupt if any gear forum will help you to achieve your goals. Gear forums are operating on the premise that is the fundamental premise of consumerism - more things will make us happy. More gear will make us do better music. From what I see, it wont.

If you feel that your internet behaviour is making you a worse as a human being, you probably should stop.

If you really need a community, go out and find one in real life.


To clarify really I’m running from an old buggy version of my life and into a new better upgraded life 2.0, or it’s probably like version 7 or so of my life I’m heading to right now really… I’m single with no kids so it’s all good, just doing my thing. All things considedered I’m doing just fine, quite happy really… :smiley:
Thanks for your support!