just picked up the zoom h5…hooked the AR up to it for a quick test…pretty good sound even with the quality only set to 44.1/24 (wanted to test pulling the file back into the OT as well)
Yeah I actually went with the H6 with stereo input adapter, so I get 6 inputs.
Isn’t the h5 24/96?
BTW when you recorded was it to SD then a direct dump or did you use the H5 as an audio interface?
it can do 96 in stereo file mode, in multifile mode it goes up to 48 (it still does stereo, it’s just a different file mode), I selected 44.1 for testing purposes…I was actually going to get the H6 before they announced the H5…so I just waited, I really didn’t need the extra inputs and whatnot and I saved some cash
this test was straight into the inputs (to SD), then put into usb mode…dragged the .wav directly off the H5 to desktop and uploaded
multi file mode with AR going into input 1 and 2, input 1 and 2 linked
in that mode I will be able to talk on L/R tracks when shooting some video…allowing me to turn those tracks down completely when not talking
I been looking for something for field recordings, this might do the trick. Does it have jack inputs or something? What is the recording memory like?
Dapifer: is has connection at top to plug in different microphone modules. It also has two combo XLR/TRS jacks on the bottom. It will take a 32GB SD…the test recordings I’ve been doing at their quality are about 50MB for 3m or so.
Baddcr: yeah, I read the same on the H4N (among other problems)…the H5 is actually based on the H6 (not as many inputs). I almost bought the DR-40 as well but they announced the H5 around the time I was looking so I waited a few months. So far audio seems good. I just posted 4 more test files on soundcloud. I recorded in multi file mode on both the inputs and the mics (for comparison)…I then normalized them (via zooms normalize function)…so it’s 4 test files…I will link the ones that aren’t normalized below.
when you find something like that ^ let me know, I could use it
I just needed something to grab some decent audio (with plans to sync with video) and double as a field recorder. The H5 seems to fit the bill and < $300.
I haven’t tried the audio interface feature yet but I mostly do stuff OTB…I may pick up an iconnect midi 4 at some point though…mix in some of the really nice soft synths on my ipad
Here is a h6 outs from an AR, for a comparison…
Thanks, so does this work as a soundcard too?
Yes, it works as an audio interface as well.
I haven’t had a chance to test that yet.
I just upgraded from the H4n to H5 and it’s really a improvement!
But it seems the XYH-6 X/Y and MSH-6 MS capsules are not available as seperate products…
Listen here to my beach sound recording with the XYH-5 X/Y microphone capsule:
Did you ever test it as an audio interface? What I’m looking is something to replace my Novation Nio as a soundcard (as I can’t for the life of me work out how to get a stereo signal from my Octatrack going into the Nio, just mono). I need something that will take a stereo signal, feed it to monitors and feed the stereo audio to my Mac via USB.
I’m interested in this as I need a portable recorder too. Two in one would be great.
Got a H6 too, Really like it.
so you are wanting to use the line out or headphone out to your monitors and usb to your mac?
I haven’t actually tested the interface aspect yet, but I almost hook it to the octatrack in studio mode…then I hook it to my mac via usb in card reader mode to pull files off…I will try it in interface mode
Thanks, and yea that would be the idea, as long as it gets good sound going from a stereo jack to double RCA into monitors then it should do the trick.
Have you tried it in audio interface mode yet? I’m also curious about the Loop Back function which should allow you to stream audio from Mac to Octatrack.
so many other things going on, haven’t had a chance to try it
I will make some time to test it.
i got an h5 a few months ago and have been using it successfully as an audio interface with logic x. you can still monitor out from the h5 using the headphone jack. i want to get the extra input attachment so i can multitrack easier
I’m going to sell my H5 and replace it with the Sony PCM-D100
I just need better sound quality for mobile recording. For the rest the H5 is a great tool.