Zed 10 stereo noob q

hi folks

had focustrite 2i4

moved to

zed 10 (not the fx version)

with the focusrite i plugged the md individual outs into the 2 mono inputs.

in ableton i was able to record left and right channel individually via USB

with the zed 10 I seem not to be able to record a 2 stereo signal into ableton with USB…


any other user who can confirm this?

thanks for all insight and help!

edit : http://allen-heath.helpserve.com/Knowledgebase/Article/View/340/67/zed-10-zed-10fx--recording-separate-channels

does not work for me and is actually too much hassle :frowning:

I believe you only can get 1 stero pair out of the zed 10 into ableton.

thanks! dimi3 …

this is ridiculus imho …

yeah i was amazed too! Even the cheap ass Alesis mixers have multi i/o…

have been playing around with my allen and heath ZED10 for 2 days now …

the mixer as a mixer is dope and awesome I guess…

but as a recording interface for ableton … noooooo … the static noise and hiss is unbearable … only 1 stereo channel … nooooo…

would love to feed the main outputs into my focusrite 2i4 but some of the fidelity gets lost on the way!

any other zed 10 users here??? chime in!

i’m still new to recording myself so perhaps i wasn’t setting my ZED-10 up correctly. but i had alot of feedback problems with it and ended up selling it for a proper audio interface.

as a mixer, i don’t think it’s USB drivers are intelligent enough to allow monitoring of ableton’s output without feeding it back into the DAW.

correct me if i’m wrong.

Zed 14 user here… I have had no issues with recording via USB to Ableton or SoundForge… You do know that the USB is only 16bit 44.1 Khz and only supports left/right channels… 95% of the time I record to a Roland R-05 field recorder with no loss in fidelity…