Youtube google

hi folks,

I am going mental!

how the fuck do I keep youtube from signing me in with my gmail / google mail account…

pissing me off big time!

any userscripts outthere?

switching browser, incognito mode, or clicking around in youtube is not an option.

thanks for all usefull comments in advance

there are ways but i think you end up sacrificing something in the long run.

I tried and tried and eventually gave in and just accepted defeat…hhhahaa

Apple = the new KGB…do it our way, or off to the gulag
Google = the new Borg…resistance is futile

i find your perception of this world enlighting and sad at the same time … thanks for the insight …sigh

Which browser are you using? This seems to work in Firefox:
Tools -> Options -> Privacy
Then next to the “Accept cookies from site” text click Exceptions, add and set it to blocked.

Now I’m logged in to Gmail but not logged in to Youtube. Of course this means you won’t be able to log in to Youtube even if you want, but if you never do that then that shouldn’t be a problem.

I’m sure there’s something similar for other browsers.

Don’t let it get to you, I’m just getting old and cynical!!!

hey low life, that is a pretty sweet option that your firefox has!
i hope i can find something like that for chrome … :slight_smile: thanks

It was a bit hidden in Chrome, but found it:
Settings -> Advanced (bottom of the page) -> Privacy: Content settings button -> Cookies: Manage exceptions button

Then add [*.] and set it to block.

cool…i was just trying the thing with the cookies … problem is, i really need the cookies, because I am watching a lot , and i need to know what i watched, and my subscriptions and what not …

untill something better comes around I have a crappy workaround!

use this to go to utube,

i got it bookmarked …so its just a click away.

thanks for your post low life!

you have to have a google+ account to use google services. even if you never use it… even if you turn off all the functions etc… they don’t care… you still will have a google+ account. it’s their main source of tracking. everything done on google when you’re signed in goes through google+. it’s how they gather more information.

it’s a load of crap. i deleted most of my google related services and sooner or later i’ll delete my youtube videos and other gmail account. just for spite.

but here’s how you get rid of google+ :wink:

hahahhah LOL what a funny video! … thanks for posting and your thoughts on my issue … sigh siiiigh