Your Tips for Scene & Performance Modes

Yeah that makes sense.

What do you guys put on the scenes to spice up your rhythms? So far the only one I’ve done is increasing the delay send on the snare which can be nice…but I can’t think of any other variations. I would say HPF or LPF the drums, but the Rytm is already going through my OT so the crossfader is in charge of that.

Any fun experiments you’ve tried out?

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lotta good ideas inside.


To me, the magic of the performance mode comes around the one that influence multiple tracks or sets of the parameters at the same time. I find that thinking of them as “function” of a track really opens up how to think about the possible combination. ie. have performance to “increase/decrease intensity”, “sound more soft/agressive”, “be more psychedelic”, etc.

That conceptual mindset brings me way further than basic hpf/lpf on manipulating the energy of a track through scene/performance mode.


Sounds interesting. Got any concrete examples?

I’m curious how differently people approach the Scenes and Perf control with the AR.

Today I’ve been considering giving myself a master template pattern that has all Scenes and Perf settings pre-mapped so, regardless of the pattern I’m in, I’ll always know what’s where.
I mainly use them for fx sends, decay/release lengths, pitch, etc…

Is anyone else taking this approach?

Anyone have any advice on approaches to try out?

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