Your Tips for Scene & Performance Modes

They’re very similar but in performance mode you can have the FX assigned to it be touch sensitive. So to set it up you hold down function + the pad you want to assign the FX to, and while holding it change the knobs which control the FX you want to be assigned to the pad. So for example, holding down the performance pad and moving the pitch of a kick up 12 semitones will assign the pitch of the kick to the performance pad. Then when you alter the pressure on the performance pad you’ll find the pitch of your kick moves up based on how hard you hold it down.

Scene mode is set up in the exact same way but it’s static. So, if you were doing the above, when you hit the scene pad your kick would just move up an octave once the pad is hit.

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Thank you guys it’s helpful !!! I’m going to try it now

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I love using the drive on a performance pad (and adjust level too).
filter is always good…

i figured out, that for me its always about just ONE PARAMETER FOR ONE PAD… if you take three filter parameters each on one pad, you can really jam the hell out of a bassdrum :-))

for scenes i love pitch settings… so with a fingertipp you can transpose the whole “melodic” elements to another pitch… for sure delay and reverb is also great

this becomes handy with using the log-pad-trick (in performance mode press a pad, hold it and switch into scene mode… the pressed pad parameter will stay active, even if you start muting or playing pads after that)


I found useful to use Scene modes to program mute-patterns, like 1st scene mutes 1st, 5th, 8th and 10th pad, 2nd scene mutes 2nd, 3rd, 7th and 9th pad, and so on.

Yeah, I’ve started digging into doing this and sending some complex and speed-varying LFOs from :elot: to select active scenes via CC 92. Adds a level of madness that you wouldn’t get from deliberately programming in song mode.


Maybe this is a bug, but in perf mode if I press and hold a particular pad and then another one the second one seems to get latched. Also it seems to ramp up to full pressure. It stays lit pink/purple and when I just tap it it stops. Not sure if this is a feature or a bug, but I’d like to be able to control it at least. Anyone else?

gotta try this! great thx

My fave scene is making crazy howling feedback with the delay + dist and comp.
Its sounds totally wild and many may hate it. but I love it, makes the analogness of the rytm really really worth it.

Scene Settings.

  • make a beat with a bassline (not sub - must have some mid range freqs)

  • kill the kick and hats (vol to 0)
    -with bass track open filter to taste with max resonance.

  • again with bass track add massive amounts delay and reverb and some extra distortion if you want

  • compression mix to %100 , threshold to about 70 on HIT or HPF

  • master dist to about 40, sym to - 30 , delay overdrive to 30 on Pre

  • decent amount of delay feedback (84ish) HPF 37 LPF 95

  • double check makeup gain and master vol are low - this can get out of hand !

Copy Scene and Paste

  • change bass filter res and cutof settings and delay rate for variance

Im not sure if this will actually get anything similar to what I have but anyway…

The fact that I can get howling electric guitar meets king tubby on crack sounds from a fucking drum machine makes me happier than anything in this world.


I own a Rytm for one year now. And I never really use Perf or Scenes… i just read this today… but since, what a real new perspective (lot o’ fun).

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I try with Squid for quick tests.
Now programming with Cirklon… wow
My patterns sound so differents. Just other patterns.


Midi for Perf and Scenes, my new variation factory.
I’m just like a chimp that discover how to jump from branch to branch :monkey_face:

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Hey bud it’s been many years but I have a question about your Rytm and performance fader use.

Can you use the fader when setting the performance too? Or did you still have the press the pad.

No idea. Maybe someone else can answer.
Sold both of those pieces of gear ages ago.

I’m pretty sure you need to set up the perf by pressing the pad. The midi control is just equivalent to pressing the pad when its not in perf setup mode.

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Yeah that makes sense.

What do you guys put on the scenes to spice up your rhythms? So far the only one I’ve done is increasing the delay send on the snare which can be nice…but I can’t think of any other variations. I would say HPF or LPF the drums, but the Rytm is already going through my OT so the crossfader is in charge of that.

Any fun experiments you’ve tried out?

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lotta good ideas inside.


To me, the magic of the performance mode comes around the one that influence multiple tracks or sets of the parameters at the same time. I find that thinking of them as “function” of a track really opens up how to think about the possible combination. ie. have performance to “increase/decrease intensity”, “sound more soft/agressive”, “be more psychedelic”, etc.

That conceptual mindset brings me way further than basic hpf/lpf on manipulating the energy of a track through scene/performance mode.


Sounds interesting. Got any concrete examples?

I’m curious how differently people approach the Scenes and Perf control with the AR.

Today I’ve been considering giving myself a master template pattern that has all Scenes and Perf settings pre-mapped so, regardless of the pattern I’m in, I’ll always know what’s where.
I mainly use them for fx sends, decay/release lengths, pitch, etc…

Is anyone else taking this approach?

Anyone have any advice on approaches to try out?

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