Your Setups (Part 1)

I was actually thinking about getting that desk for a while but they only had it in black here in France.

Here is my little “dawless” set up . really just getting started with the sounds and stuff i can make with this and multitracking into the bluebox is super handy . however my next endeavor is most likely going to be figuring out a way to easily get it talking to my daw when needed for my song writery stuff i do . which is a little difficult because my computer set up is on the other side of the room . so finding an efficient way to get both audio and midi back and forth between the two is proving to be a brain buster LOL . any advice for stuff like that ? ive considered getting an Ipad either for bluetooth/airdropping stuff multitracked into that, or for like “logic pro remote” so i can control a little more painlessly. ive also just considered moving the “dawless” desk on the same side as the computer but i just love the feel of the room now so thats last resort. but yea overall super happy w this set up all things considered.

edit : also this is taken directly after getting home from a 2 month long travel for work and hastily getting everything in working order to play for the first time in a while . LOL so dont mind any cable mess haha


ghostbusters vibes even the ghost catcher box is included at the bottom jejejejejeje


Got me a RC 505 MKII. Quiet happy so far. Should have had one before. After everything is set up I’m good to go with “The Choir Boys” for a loop or two…


It looks like you have a wrist strap attached to your photo of Mr. Smith, so you can carry him everywhere you go. :heartpulse:

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Three-tier stands save time moving gear around and improve workflow. I plan to design and build more stands over the summer.


Very nice looking! I’m wondering about the ergonomics of the three tiers – do you play them mostly while standing up, or it still comfortable working on the units on the 3rd row while seated?

BTW – if those are rear-ported JBL 3-series speakers you might finding moving them a few more inches from that rear wall would benefit the sound. I have the older LSR305s and they improved noticeably when I was able to give them more breathing room behind them. However, I’m more than familiar with the constraints of tight home studios so that might not be an option.


They work equally well standing up or sitting down.

I designed the stands in OpenSCAD by starting with a virtual representation of the device. I then moved the virtual devices out along a radius from the origin and rotated about the origin. Then I made adjustments to ensure that the knobs and jacks weren’t blocked. End result is that the devices are nearly equidistant a point somewhere between my eyes and shoulders, so very little motion is required to see and manipulate everything.

Those are back-ported 306Mk2s, about 4" from the wall :grimacing:

To fix placement, I’ll need to replace the floor stands with desk clamps. However, I usually use headphones when working with synths, and rotate the speakers 90 degrees when listening to the turntable. This setup is acceptable for now.


Looking at my k&m guitar stands in a completely new light. Love it.

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I don’t think I’ve bought any hardware for almost 3 years.
And I’m very happy.

Edit: Lol, forgot to include the M1 MBA in the photo. And that was bought in 2021 :flushed:


Guitar stands work well for bigger synths


Very cool. Sounds like a fun design process – those sort of personal customization projects are very satisfying!

Yes, that was essentially my monitor setup for years. This arrangement is really unavoidable for those of us whose home studio is a desk up against a wall (the vast majority of non-pro musicians I’d warrant). Only with the benefit of hindsight did I later realize that non-rear ported speaker designs might have been more optimal given my space constraints. I mostly add this for anyone reading this thread who is just beginning the process of setting up their home studio…


Other than moving cross-country last year, I haven’t done any major physical-world projects since my sailboat restoration project at the beginning of the plague. The only thing I’m missing is a place to spray paint the stands, but I’m OK with the raw finish.

Design Images

The OpenSCAD images differ from the final result because I edited the parts in Inkscape to give the side panels a more organic look. OpenSCAD doesn’t know how to handle splines and béziers without plugins.

Agree - I try to post under the assumption that people who already know, know. People who don’t yet know benefit from knowing which is a best practice and which is an expedient hack.


The current “small” setup. I suck at sequencing & arranging with the Blackbox but it’s been a good exercise. Soon Digitone and the 1010 boxes will be moving with me in a backpack, and really it’s plenty.


Ooh, nice clean readable and well formatted code with sensible variable names! A man after my own heart… :smiley:

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Back to basics!


A thoughtful and complete set of tools there.

I’d believe you, if you said you were actually making music with that setup.



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Thank you.
Yeah - sometimes, between all that gear acquisition, there is some music making going on, believe it. No lie! :wink:


What else should I use the strap for??!


Scary question to ask on a forum with a bunch of creative thinkers. :thinking: