Your Setups (Part 1)

Was taking a picture of the technotrolley, here’s the whole shebang though, split into two setups.

Techno on the trolley, drones on the desk.

I can think of no reason not to recommend one.


Quad looks a bit sad over there. Dx7 is giving off ‘play me’ vibes

Quad is under the mixer and the DX7 still needs a few jobs doing on it, waiting for my brother in law to finish our new dining table so I can use the old one as a workbench.

So it is. My mistake. Whats that other rack unit?

An old Ashly compressor that I’m failing to sell on eBay.

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Something I’ve been working on…


Except for one acoustic and one electric guitar, this is basically all the gear I intend to keep and use for the next few months (ordered an m8 tracker but I guess it’ll only arrive in July or even later). I’ve boxed up my DT and sp404 mkll and put them up for sale and it feels like getting rid of a big burden off of my chest. I tried using them together with the rest of my setup but it was a hassle to have to load up the correct project each time, set up the correct midi channels, having to use a midi merger to use both the linnstrument128 and the DT midi LFOs for the DN, the check for the correct levels etc.
I just wasn’t inspired to turn on all my stuff, record guitar or other stuff on the 404mkll, sequence them using the DN, use the DT for drums and scrolling through lists of samples and so on. I realized that I have much more fun and get creative when focusing on just one machine at a time.
And the perfect machine for this is the DN, for me at least. I love the sounds I can get out of it, and being forced to using only 4 tracks and 8 voices keeps me from cluttering my songs and muddling up the mix with too much stuff.
I have three different presets configured on the linnstrument to make the most of the DN: one for playing and recording multi mapped drum sounds, which basically gives me access to all 128 sounds from the sound pool all at the same time. Another linnstrument preset is set up to cycle through all 4 DN tracks to play it pseudo-MPE style, which I only use to record live audio overdubs into bitwig using overbridge, never into the DN sequencer as it doesn’t capture aftertouch, pitch bend and mod wheel data. The third preset is just targeted at the auto channel for recording into the DN sequencer, which is the one I use the most of the time.
I mostly use the DN on its own but it’s also my main sound interface and has the poly beebo hooked up to its inputs for whenever I want to jam or record some guitar or small “modular” patches (mostly a single plaits or rings patch) on top of what I composed on the DN. Overbridge with the DN on bitwig is working really nicely for me and four tracks and whatever is routed through the inputs seems like a sweet spot to not have option paralysis for me.
I still mostly use the op-1 on its own on the couch and just drag the tape tracks to the computer for mixing, most of the time. But since the beebo has another stereo input free, the cable is just ready to route it through some effects to record it into bitwig via the DN and overbridge. Some goes for the po-32 tonic.
I’m pretty content with how I flow with this setup at the moment. I’ve got a weird 5 track progressive rock/electro album in the pipeline, which is about 30% done at the moment and my goal is to finish that before the m8 arrives and messes everything up again :sweat_smile:


How do you like the Linnstrument and the Poly?

I am still very interested into the Linnstrument, seems like a great controller!!!

I have a Linnstrument and love it. I don’t use it as often as I’d like because I need to find a place to put it in my studio, but love its mobility and versatility. Having 3 to 8 fingers on different pads moving in different directions with an MPE synth gives unbelievable texture to playability and sound. Go over to the KVR forum if you haven’t already been there. Oh, and Roger Linn is a peach of a guy, very involved and will answer any questions.

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The linnstrument128 is the greatest midi controller I’ve ever used. To me, the only downside to it is that it is really expensive. I suck at playing traditional piano keys, so the note layout on the linnstrument is much better suited for me, as I started out with playing guitar. But the layout can also be customized. It is quite feature-packed and customizable, although I never use the arpeggiator or sequencer on it, and I think for these kinds of things, keysteps might be a better and cheaper option.
The poly beebo is quirky, but lovely and can do all kinds of useful things. I don’t like touchscreens at all (in general, not just regarding the beebo), but the beebo actually manages to be very usable and capable in a very small form factor. The effects sound great and can be endlessly combined, plus there are loads of mutable instruments ports. If I had a small modular case, I’d probably go for the poly hector. But I’m glad I actually got my beebo before the hector came out, as that basically prevented me from diving into the modular rabbit hole.


finally,Original Trinity!
Machinedrum SPS-1 UW+ MK2
Monomachine SFX60+ MK2
Octatrack MK2
Two of them so expensive😂!


Here’s a super shitty pic of my current mobile&dawless setup, made with a super cheap mobile phone cause I got rid of my smartphone :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Ditched the OT from my previous post, since the board became too big and heavy for convenient transportation and it was overkill for my usecases.
Super fun setup, especially splitting the two voices of the MM2 in bitimbral mode opens many possibilities. Wish it had more cc capabilities though to automate stuff with the DT. Switching on/off the arpeggio-latch for example would be great, although there’s workarounds obviously.

Thinking about kicking the Streichfett cause it rarely finds use since i got the MM2. Any suggestions for interesting replacements/conrollers/instruments/fx? (Footprint is paramount though, the Streichfett is about 18x18cm.)
Was thinking about an OTO Boum, but of course it’s not available atm.


You could replace it with an Analog Heat (one of my favorite pieces of gear of all time) or seriously, you could replace it with nothing for a while. Use the setup as a three piece and see what you are missing. Getting in the mindset of ‘what goes in this void’ is just going to create more void.


Great reply, thanks :slight_smile:

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With the window reflection, it looks like you’ve put them behind glass :grinning:


Updated setup. Hapax is ace, so is dfam. Very happy with the range here.


that was floor reflection of window glass,the picture was took with backlight,so looks like what your feel about😁

spend that much money on them,definitely not for just put behind glass for watch😄

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Sorry for the late reply!
Soundwise iti’ll shake the pillars of heaven. I never played any Moog above the Sub37 pricewise so I can’t compare it to the Mini but there’s little left to be desired in the bottom end at least.

If you’re a knobtwiddler you may find the hidden functions (hold SHIFT+ turn FREQ knob to control Oscillator levels, for example) a bit fiddly especially as you’re playing it live.

However as an in-studio tool I think it’s one of the more versatile mono/para synths I’ve played in a long time. I only wish I had gotten the actual SE-3X instead of an upgraded SE-1X because then I would have two additional filters to play with!

My main complaint is that Studio Electronics are currently charging money for its VST plugin/editor which is beyond fucked to me. I haven’t purchased it myself so I do all my sound design on the front panel itself but once you get into the menu flow it becomes a lot less effortless to dial in your sound.

Hope this helps.

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Glad to share my little box of happiness here :sparkling_heart:

Virus goes into DN, which goes into AH, which goes in DT.

DT and Cycles are then plugged in a minimalist Mackie 5 mixer.

DT controls everything via a quadra thru box hidden behind.

It’s an all purpose little set up and I’ll soon be posting some songs I’ve been doing with my band (very late depeche mode).
