Your Setups (Part 1)

Yeah, but you’re rockin it with that mid-century sideboard next to it!



I had a minitaur for years as Moog bass source and very liked it. It is a simple and straight forward synth with a great sound IMO :wink: But I sold it few months ago and still don’t know why ! So I looked for another one and found this slim phatty at a good price. It still a simple and straight forward synth and the sound is very punchy, fat and bright (more than minitaur for the brightness). It is also more versatile. The build quality is very good also. I like it a lot and don’t regret the minitaur anymore :wink:

I do like a lot my AS-1 tho !


It replaces an old and trusted UL mk3 and it works great. I use it standalone most of the time but it performs very well when I had Live 10 as aux fx box and recorder. Very happy with it.
The screen doesn’t borrow me as the souncard is very off-center :wink:

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Great to know! Will be keeping my eye open for one for sure, thanks

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I have both the Voyager and Slim Phatty. I love the Phatty so much that I’ve got two of them. Each have their own sound. I really like the overdrive on the Phatties filter that allows for a very subtle distortion.

Two examples where the Phatty is used for the main sequence:

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I dig subtle distortion also, glad more people weighed in! I love the form factor which is drawing me to it, and I remember playing around with one at guitar center like 10 years ago lol.

Additionally I know it’s not cool (maybe?) to like presets, but I much prefer to tweak a good original preset sound than necessarily always start from scratch which sometimes occurs with some of the bare analog kits.

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I have a Moog Sirin going into a Moog MF Drive pedal.


Don’t be shamed about liking presets :grin: and don’t be scared to start from scratch with a slim phatty or a minitaur. They’re quite simple and build a sound is very easy. You will go where you wanted to go very soon :wink:


This setup is beyond beautiful


I’m with you! Not enough love for presets! I always come up with new song ideas through improvisation, and that usually starts with scrolling through presets on a synth. I would go as far as say inspiring presets are essential to my workflow. Of course I often end up tweaking the preset and even sometimes discard the whole initial part/riff in the end but good presets let my work flow right from the get go.


I’m glad I got some backup on presets, happy to know I’m in a “safe space” :slight_smile: . It’s all about the end result IMO, whether hand crafted sound, mixed sample, whatever it is.

I used to get wrapped up in what’s more “authentic” and it’s a total waste lol, all that matters is enjoying the process and the finished product!


2021 setup.


My computer took a dump…

…actually turning out to be a lot of fun this way.


Looks very inviting without the computer!

(EDIT: I’m not disparaging the use of the computer, mind you… especially given what I do for a living. However, it is striking how much you don’t actually need a computer or anything else with that rig. You could make music for the rest of your life with that setup and never run out of new things to explore.)


Oh snap! I was just looking into the Polyend Tracker, how do you like it @phaelam?

I love having my computer as part of my setup. But it’s non functioning right now.

And I was jonesin’ to make noises. Pulled out the tape…and have found I’ve gone further with tracks than I do with the computer. Seems counter intuitive, but I guess there’s just less distractionS. Anyways it feels more fun.

@EricNY I didn’t know how I’d like it. I thought I’d be getting rid of it shortly after getting it. But I makes tunes differently with it. You’d think it would feel constraining but not at all. I get great results from it. And in the pictured setup, it’s running the show.
I love it! For me it was a good purchase. :+1:t6:



Well, I am very lucky and always thankful.
After setting up the speakers I plopped on Fleetwood Mac’s Tango in the Night. I sat and listened to the whole thing. It was an amazing experience. Before this the speakers were each side of the sofa which is situated in the middle of the room. This sounds tons better and frees up a lot of space.


A few months ago a sold a few synths, and instead of buying more synths, I decided to buy some stands from They came today and I’ve got to say: smartest thing I’ve done all year.


Thanks for the info! Yeah I never used “trackers” much in the past, but it just basically looks like a really effective way to lay out music and that beautiful large screen for modifying samples oh my! Also, like a lot of you guys here, I try to stay as much off the comp as possible, primarily as I work on a comp all day. It’s nice to just be able to sit in front of an Octa or Digi and just bang out beats without worrying about the latest iOS update killing my whole setup. On a simple DT setup, I somehow ended up expanding to a ton of rack gear afterwards, but you know, it happens! :smiley:

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