Your Setups (Part 1)

Well, I ripped down my studio and boxed all equipment up after finishing my album.

Resulted to just an iPad.

Then began to wonder. And got the OT out. Then the RYTM. Then the OB6. Then I saw a TimeLine in a thrift store in mint condition so I bought it. Then I thought I need to buy a Big Sky. I went straight into a guitar shop in central Tokyo and got it.
Put the OT away and now it’s looking like this… all photos after the first one end with the set up I used to make my album.


Just change the OT screen with a digi screen.

What kind of desk is that? That would look be perfect for my setup.

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Yo! @ghostbuddy

It’s actually a kotatsu/table turned on its side. It was out of use and just sitting in the corner so I turned it on it’s side and bought some planks of wood and a saw from the hardware store made stuff happen lol

The cassette deck and the shelf with the OB6 is a keyboard stand.

Here we go again - another apology. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Sorry, I apologize.


Sockup Letdown


How are you finding the Waldorf? What kind of sounds are you producing with it?

Hi ! Which stand are you using for your AR MKII ? I’m looking for something similar

I love these things. I’ve got a couple. They’re cheap and really flexible. Compared to the price of some stands, these things are a godsend.


NYE coffee table triad


how do you like the iridium … i am gasing for one in the moment

So dope.

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Since I’ve been working from home since March, I convinced my wife to let me get a larger desk for our den (citing the extra workspace). Well, that extra space has quickly been spoken for by a Rytm, Analog 4 and Analog Heat over the past 9 months, cueing an eye-roll or two.

Admittedly I may have a vague definition of what “work” the space involved.

…Wait until she finds out I have a black Octatrack MK2 on the way to fill out that space to the left of the AH :sweat_smile:


If you power on the AH, that yellow cable will fit in the picture.

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Beautiful setup.

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Accidental Model:Lamp reveal??


Confirmed way back :smiley:


It is Wednesday, after all.

Ok those black boxes do look awesome…