Your politicians ... isn´t it so much fun?

Sexist. Shes been an animal activist her entire career, a vegan and can very well campaign for anybody in Europe because she lives there. Let alone she went full progressive choosing DiEM. I think its admirable what she does with her celebrity.


I’m a US citizen so take this for what it’s worth but I’ve thought the fear mongering of the anti-Brexit team was largely over blown. It’s not as if we’ll all stop doing business with you until this settles.

Either way, as I age I find it interesting to take note of how the pendulum swings from one end to the next whether it be in the corporate world, global politics or social constructs. It always seems to be one overreaction after another. Tragic really.

On an entirely different topic, the mouvement des gilets jaunes is fascinating to me. There is essentially complete media black out on this subject in the US. This tells me it is an actual organic movement that scares the piss out of the establishment.


I admire her for her political Engagement.
DIEM25 is very interesting! Yanis Varoufakis is one of the founders. I voted for them this sunday.

Even my friends that follow politics have no clue what the yellow vest movement is. That is def. A media blackout here in the US.

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Not being Scottish so I don’t fully understand, but the SNP a nationalist party who wanted independence from Westminster (which I understood, given that they support nationalist policies) are in favour of remaining in the EU, a contrast to every other nationalist party which do not favour the EU because of their nationalist policies. It now seems that the SNP is aiming for a second independence referendum.

I think in general with the results of the EU vote the message is clear, the establishment parties are not resonating with the public, it is nice to see the Green parties gain traction as that is sending a positive message, and I think that the EU is going to be going through some drastic changes now. It may be that the UK remainers won’t be so keen to remain in the EU due to the rise in nationalist parties, or it might mean that the brexiteers position might soften toward the EU because of the changes.

I personally don’t like the way that nationalist parties are being dubbed far right, it is pretty disingenuous and not accurate.


We have to remember that the European Parliament is not exactly the power at the heart of the EU. The Council of ministers and the Commission are where power resides.
You could fill the European Parliament with rabid fascists and all it would achieve would be a slight slowing down of the legislative agenda. It certainly wouldn’t result in the EU becoming a fascistic institution.

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Maybe not but it would still prove that the people wanted a fascist agenda.

you would not notice when this is engineered …

There’s often a difference between what people want and what people vote for in what they believe to be pointless elections.

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In the states, the left has gone so far left , the right is naturally farther in relation. Maybe that’s why the term far right is thrown around so often? :smile:

I think it is ridiculous that everything right is now far right, but in reality the center may be slowing dissolving.

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I think the word Facist has been so misused that it is too open to interpretation, calling for example Trump or Farage a facist as many these days do is pretty ridiculous.


Are you saying that people actually go to vote in an election they think is pointless? And when they do its to make a joke vote?

When I say fascists, I mean fascists. As in brown shirts and all that.


It’s called protest voting.

Ok. Well I don’t know of that being reported a lot. By all accounts most people seem to take their vote seriously.

Turnout in the UK was pretty low, reports are suggesting that remain were more inclined to vote than brexit, which kind of makes sense, but then of course you have to conclude that had more brexit voters voted the results would have been even more pro brexit.

Brexit has come to vote, what 3 times now? I can see why brexiteers have stopped voting, it doesn’t appear to deliver the result they’re after.

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Ah but remember a huge slug of Europeans legally living in the UK were refused the right to vote due to administerial errors (so they say…). The potential figure is in the millions.

But, what today’s results show is that the UK is a deeply divided Union. Proper polar opposites and divisions that will likely take years (decades?) to heal. Farage and the Conservatives have really torn the UK apart.

Yeah fair point.

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No it’s not “so much fun”