Snap, looking at the Monorocket MX104, expensive but I’ll get good money if I sell my Eastwick, It’s mint
Missed a few cheap doepfer cases a bit back but as I bought the AK I am on pause again.
A lot of mixing capability in there but with all the effects I guess you need it.
Looks like a pretty mental rig. [/quote]
Yeah, just added the 2 expanders for the DubMix, having the 3 Aux returns frees up the 4 ch for the OSC’s plus I can bus the Elektrons anywhere with the Auxes & have cv over VCA
Just waiting on the Nomad , weird RF into Phonogene greatly appeals!
So you’re mixing your elektrons via the modular?
Dear Modular Gurus,
i have a question for you.
Can you imagine that the analog circuit from the Rytm can reproduce with Modules?
It is clear it will be not the same but looking to come close.
What i’m looking for is to feed the Rytm with my iPad via CC-Audiointerface. Between the Audiointerface and the Input of the Rytm i would have something equal to the Rytm analog circuit.
Thank you for your help, ideas or maybe that’s stupid.
All the best,
You want modules to make drum sounds with, to then feed your iPad and sample and then load these samples into the Rytm?
Assuming I am correct with the above:
Useful modules for drums are mixers, filters and oscillators, you will also need envelopes (usually AR will do for drums). Distortion and noise producing modules help too.
You can make good kick drums with just a filter and AR envelope though, depending on the response of the filter, you can get close to the 808 kick with just a filter.
Dear ipassenger,
thank you for your feedback.
My english is bad
No i mean i would like to feed my Rytm with Sounds from the iPad through the stereo input.
The important thing is that the sound became through the filters the warm dirt analog sound like a sample goes through the Rytm.
I want to get equal circuits for the iPad to hopefully get equal Sound.
The Combi Rytm with the fantastic Sound, really great in my ears and iPad with fantastic apps is the goal for me.
All the best,
Your iPad is only going to go through Rytm’s analog compressor. Not the filters or envelopes, so it won’t sound as gooey as your Rytm samples.
Look for something like a tube line driver for your iPad if you want to add that kind of saturation.
Good luck!
Your iPad is only going to go through Rytm’s analog compressor. Not the filters or envelopes, so it won’t sound as gooey as your Rytm samples.
Look for something like a tube line driver for your iPad if you want to add that kind of saturation.
Good luck![/quote]
Dear AdamJay,
thank you for feedback.
You mean like a FMR Audio RNLA 7239?
Yes i know the audio circuit, thats why i’m looking for something between the audio interface and the input of the Rytm that’s will be equal of what is inside in the Rytm.
iPad => CC Audiointerface
Audiointerface => Overdrive
Overdrive => Filter
Filter => Amp
Amp => Distortion
Once again i’m not a Guru. Maybe that’s make not sense or is stupid.
All the best,
My OT companion, planning to expand to 2x 84HP and stop there. I’ve sold a lot of modules already and the eurocrack fever is down .)
No not as such but I’ll feed say the MM into Phonogene (b’cos that accepts line level), which is in an Aux loop then have Wogglebug or Maths go to Town on it.
Tbh you can feed the DubMix directly cos it has like +6dB gain, have to crank the MM up tho but you can just about match levels.
Direct outs or Aux sends mean you can feed back into the Elektrons, MM input at around 32 seams to handle the Direct outs & have to drop to about 16 for full on 10vpp straight from an OSC.
All fun n games
I think I understand you now.
You need a small modular to route your iPad audio through, and then into Rytm.
Skip the compressor, as Rytm compressor will compress it all. No need for RNLA
You need eurorack with a filter module, overdrive module, ADSR envelope/amp module, and distortion module. That would be “equal” to Rytm.
Good luck
Dear AdamJay,
that’s 100% correct. That is what i want.
The question is need this at first in the analog chain:
Of course the other question how close is the sound to the Rytm circuit?
It is not that i would have the same sound but really the analog warm dirty, great. Nothing to say more about this. This is poor flavour.
Any help from anyone regarding the modules appreciate.
Thank you.
All the best,
This is what I’ve settled on. Interacting with the OT, Dark Energy, and OP1…I’ll use the OT for more abstract sets and the OP1 as more of a traditional keyboard for my ‘pop’ sets.
Just got started with my system. I’m currently waiting for about half of the modules to arrive. Looking to add another osc, not sure which one. Verbos Harmonic oscillator looks very tempting. And maybe a sequencing module of some sort.
Just got started with my system. I’m currently waiting for about half of the modules to arrive. Looking to add another osc, not sure which one. Verbos Harmonic oscillator looks very tempting. And maybe a sequencing module of some sort.
Hey Mint
I’d be tempted to add a digital OSC to that, a bit of Wavetable action.
Cylonix Cyclebox II, Intellijel Shapeshifter, Hertz Donut II, MI Braids are all worth a listen.
Verbos looks wicked but very much the same territory as the DPO I’d have thought. Be worth a bit of research over at muffs if you’re thinking of going that root.
Here’s mine:
Housed in 2 Monorocket cases (M6104 + S6104). Clocked/sequenced by both the A4 and/or Ableton/Numerology with ES-3 depending on what mood I’m in. Three modular outputs go into a Behringer X32c from where I can bus to Octatrack, Ableton and FX…
So you’re mixing your elektrons via the modular?
No not as such but I’ll feed say the MM into Phonogene (b’cos that accepts line level), which is in an Aux loop then have Wogglebug or Maths go to Town on it.
Tbh you can feed the DubMix directly cos it has like +6dB gain, have to crank the MM up tho but you can just about match levels.
Direct outs or Aux sends mean you can feed back into the Elektrons, MM input at around 32 seams to handle the Direct outs & have to drop to about 16 for full on 10vpp straight from an OSC.
All fun n games :-)[/quote]
Ahh cool, makes more sense.
I’ve never run a hot osc signal straight into any of my Elektron boxes…yet.
Here’s mine:
Housed in 2 Monorocket cases (M6104 + S6104). Clocked/sequenced by both the A4 and/or Ableton/Numerology with ES-3 depending on what mood I’m in. Three modular outputs go into a Behringer X32c from where I can bus to Octatrack, Ableton and FX…
That’s a monster!
[quote=" mint"]Just got started with my system. I’m currently waiting for about half of the modules to arrive. Looking to add another osc, not sure which one. Verbos Harmonic oscillator looks very tempting. And maybe a sequencing module of some sort.
Hey Mint
I’d be tempted to add a digital OSC to that, a bit of Wavetable action.
Cylonix Cyclebox II, Intellijel Shapeshifter, Hertz Donut II, MI Braids are all worth a listen.
Verbos looks wicked but very much the same territory as the DPO I’d have thought. Be worth a bit of research over at muffs if you’re thinking of going that root.
Hey. Thanks. The shapeshifter looks awesome on paper. I found a demo that made me wish I knew french.