Your favourite MIDI/CV Eurorack module to slave your rack with the OT or DT

I think I’m gonna go this route. I almost found one second hand for €230, but was just sold. I can start with that, use USB midi from Rytm and have a bunch of clocks and start stop and translate one or two midi channels from unused Rytm tracks. Then when needed it’s expandable with physical midi expander and/or extra gates expander.

If I didn’t have OT but something like DT/DN for midi I think the Endorphins looks great too indeed.

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The mmMidi is a simple & compact MIDI to CV interface for your Eurorack synthesiser. It translates both MIDI clock and 2 Channels of MIDI note, velocity and gate information to corresponding voltage control signals. The mmMidi is quick to set up and requires minimal configuration.

Come again? I can connect my FH2 to the MIDI ports on the back of my Intellijel Performance case?! (Whenever it arrives that is. 3 month per-order wait and counting)

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Yes, that is correct. You just need some female 2.54mm cables. You can find the pinout for the header in the FH-2 manual. The pinout for the 7U is floating around the web.

I’ll try to post some info here when I get some time. It’s pretty easy once you have the pinouts and the correct cables.

I found a forum chat about it here:



For a long time I thought I’d go for this one. But (A) the x24 clock doesn’t work for most of my clocked modules like Mimetic Digitalis or Ladik s180. (x24 is different than their step per 16th note right?)
And (B) the “run” is a start stop high gate I believe, something again that I have no use for, not using a Pams.

Expert Sleepers Factotum just received an interesting update with Launchpad sequencers and other controls:


I have this and wish it had a small menu to configure the clock (1/16) and run jack (trigger on start / trigger on stop). I posted this suggestion on Modwiggler and got a very firm (and slightly stroppy) ‘no’ from ALM.

But, this and the mmT is a good 7hp solution, especially if you use PNW.

The Intellijel 1U midi modules look neat and are expandable & customisable.

I did not get on with Poly2. Great on paper but buggy & laggy in use.

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Mmmidi by Alm has worked out great for me… I only use a Instruo CS-L which had two oscillators m, so the two channels on the mmmidi is a great match and only 4hp.
It has a trigger expander as well

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Other then that I think ZOIA Euroburo is probably the best midi to cv and cv to midi module out there, just by how much you can do with it…

Expert Sleepers - ES-8
Expert Sleepers - FH-2


Hey there ! The two I would recomend are Poly 2 on the expensive side and the CV.OCD on the cheap side.
If you don’t want to program more than two channel of melodic thing then go for the CV OCD. It’s very flexible, it’s almost the same thing than the Mutant Brain but out of the rack (more space for cool modules hahaha). I guess if you prefer it to be in the rack the Mutant Brain is probably a good choice. I done some video about it with the Tracker if you want to check:

The Poly 2 I find very flexible and powerfull (I had some freeze using the Medusa as the midi input but none with other stuff). Even if the name suggest a “classic” polyphonic use it’s great at sequencing from four to eight independant channels thanks to the “channel mode”. Again, some videos from me about here if it helps.

I don’t have the funds yet at the moment, but I’m pretty sure I’ve got my mind set on the FH-2 as soon as I do, or see a good second hand price coming along.

It’s expandable too :+1:t6:
I put 2 FHX-8CV and 1 FH-2 MIDI Breakout
SUPER easy to setup with the app. Lots of functions too


EDIT Nevermind! See below the original message for the solution in case you ever have this problem.


Question to the FH-2 owners!

So I’ve gotten a FH-2 recently, which is working fine when clocked by Rytm over USB. When I press play on Rytm, FH-2 automatically detects midi clock and start/stop commands coming in at its USB-A port.

But now I’ve ordered the (mini) din-Midi breakout module, and it doesn’t get clocked anymore.

Q: am I missing some menu item in the menu and manual that I should switch to din midi? Or does it auto detect midi/clock via din midi with your FH-2s?

I’m trying to trouble shoot if I’ve got a problem with the settings, with how I’ve connected the din midi breakout expander, or a faulty module.

Thanks in advance!


Solution: the website showed one way of wiring the two wires for midi-input from the Tiny Breakout module to the FH-2. But I guessed correctly that I might have a 5pin>Trs connector that is wired the other way around. Swapped the order of the two wires on the Tiny Expander and it’s solved.

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FH-2 = great module :+1:t6:

It really is!

The gate expanders are pretty cost-effective customizable clock dividers.

And whilst I don’t really like the idea of sequencing everything via midi (I like my modular as a whole system, and I like eurorack sequencers), I’ve quickly come to find that some midi over FH-2 opens up so much possibilities and ideas - stuff like that one extra P-lockable envelope, precise gates to open up VCAs, etc.

Greats stuff

It does! And you can save HP on stuff like LFOs and Gates etc, to stick in modules that might be a little more fun like FX or OSCs :slight_smile:

I like have tightly clocked LFOs with the FH-2 :+1:t6:

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You ever tried using both USB-midi and Din-midi at the same time?

Curious if the FH-2 would handle merging the two signals? Without explaining why exactly, it would be ideal for me; using Rytm over usb to clock it and for some triggers; and merging OT Arps into the mix over Din-midi.

Anyone tried that? (Before I try and potentially brick it:)

PS sorry I realize I’ve turned “your favorite midi-cv modules” thread into “my favorite midi-cv module” thread😂 Hope it’s okay for now with all the FH-2 love here, but I’ll leave it at this.

ya I have it like so…

FH-2 > MIDI Breakout > FHX-8CV > FHX-8CV

werks great.

you can use DIN + USB + USC-C all at the same time. you can even plug a UCB hub into the USB slots.

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