You can only have one instrument while on holiday. What would you take?

Mpc Live. I initially thought Ipad but too many apps on it destroy my focus


Ha. I’m heading into Austin too, to spend Christmas/NE with the wife’s parents. Must be a thing! Can’t make up my mind between Digitone and Octatrack…

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Blackbox. And I’d wish for the ghost of J Dilla to haunt me.


Vintera Jag



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The extra weight put me off OT for travels

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So with all the single cycle wave forms and the resampling, I’d either bring the Digitakt, 1010blackbox or just my laptop with Ableton, Renoise, Native Instruments.

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OT of course… It is part of me already


OP 1.
Or Digitone.


don’t forget to bring a car battery for the train ride


Welcome to Austin! Don’t forget to swing by SwitchedOn for all your gear lust and GASsing needs. (I don’t work there, just love it there)


My Synthstrom DeLuge


Thanks for the tip!

In general, I think probably the OT, since it’s relatively small but I can make a whole track, or at least most of a track, with it by itself.

Though I just got the A4 and I’m really excited about it so even though I can’t make tracks as complex, I’m more interested in learning it right now so one-on-one time would be nice.

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I see holidays as a good chance to get away from all that and refresh.

Will always have Nanoloop on my phone if I really feel the need to make some bloops.


Yes, it’s more of an insurance policy just in case the urge to create on a whim pops up. Better to have the option even if I don’t end up using it :wink:


It always depends on what you’re working on as said before on the thread.

With so much gear being portable or battery powered it makes for interesting choices.

OP-1 has traveled with me for half a decade with great fun, a couple tracks were started on few train rides or airplanes…

Digitakt battery powered is always a great weapon but it could be heavy at times…it doesnt really count as a backpack unit though.

OP-Z is fun too, but most of the time I keep wishing for more.

So I settled for OP-Z and Blackbox or MC101 and Blackbox depending on backpack space.

If I planned ahead of time enough, it would only be BB with samples of the latest sequences / patterns I was working on prior to departure.

And a field recorder in the pocket at all times, Roland R-07, that fits in all pockets, ready to be fired up.


Just a handheld recorder to collect samples for me. I never have enough time to tweak sounds while traveling.

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My Baby Taylor (acoustic guitar) is my main traveling companion.

But My OP-Z for the plane - I also have a Deluge but they attract a bit too much attention for my liking!


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say Pocket Operator SUB.

I just can’t stop cranking out solid, usable hooks and track foundations with it.
It’s quick and easy to get to a stopping point with one pattern, and then record that as .wav for later development.

Also, if I’m on vacation, I’m not really wanting to be “productive”.
I’m not going to want to do a deep dive into track making, but rather have something simple for creative urges.
PO SUB fits perfectly in that context.