You can only have one instrument while on holiday. What would you take?

Bitwig, a laptop, and a good pair of headphones. The Grid has dampened my need to play with my hardware boxes, at least for now.


I usually only take my iPad. Taking music gear along for the holidays is one of those things where I used to take stuff with but almost always end up not powering them up.

If I’d know I’d 100% actually use em, I’d take whatever currently fancied me. Might be any elektron box, might be MPC live, or any other more or less grooveboxy item. DN would be a great choice considering the form factor and its ability to make complete compositions with synthetic sounds alone, but then again so would the A4… so for me there really isnt any singular deff piece.

No reason to overthink it, just chuck it in the bag and call it a day. If you are doing alot of travelling, taking the most expensive and fragile gear might be risky.


agreed. definitely just the ipad and i’d probably end up not using it a whole lot anyway. my best sessions are after I stop making music and go outside and do something. take a notepad, go live life, jot things down if you think of em and forget about the whole thing for a week. same applies for a lot of hobbies. I always have my ipad anyway though so if the crave really hits then its still there

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Just for me, probably DN or AR, but leaning towards AR. So much I haven’t explored yet mostly because I’m trying to finish a ton of work integrating other gear. I would love to try to make some AR only tracks. Similarly, the DN is so flexible (for sampling, sequencing, etc), and I’ve had a ton of fun with it stand alone.

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DN would be my first choice too but if I was able to I’d take this. It’s battery powered so fully portable.


Acoustic guitar of course.


I always take opz + op1 + iPhone - super compact and a crazy amount of possibilities.


Coastal/Summer: 5’2” Merrik fish
Inland/Summer: my clubs
Winter: the Custom X 150cm




PO-33, takes no space and always ready to go. Used to travel with the acoustic all the time, brutal till I picked up a Martin backpacker.


I’ll be travelling in January, I will take only the OP-Z.

I bought it for travelling so, that’s what it is going to do.


OP-Z here too!

Deluge & iPad

Deluge looks awesome. But you can only have one. Which is it? :slightly_smiling_face:

I don’t have a rack of equipment to decide between, but I can say that taking my DT with me on a family event was a god send this year. It’s great seeing family, but slipping off to make a few beats kept me sane. Highly recommend making a throw-away song, as it’s super fun sampling your kin to make a drum kit :laughing:

The song I made was embarrassingly bad, but the experience was a blast. If you are flying make sure to bring your power supply, as security did make me demonstrate the DT.

Best regards,



Definitely the Digitone. I took it with me on my last vacations and wrote 4 or 5 song sketches during a two week period. It’s a wonderful machine for songwriting!


If it’s a short trip my gameboy and nanoloop. Probably digitakt for a long trip… but I’d also bring nanoloop because it’s so small why not.


Maybe Digitakt, or IPad with GarageBand and Animoog

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opz or an ipad with samplr.
only app i need

