Hello Elektronauts,
After arrival of the AR, here is my first track with MD+AR only.
It is a techno jam, live recorded (stereo out of mixer to soundcard), edited and mastered with computer.
Hello Elektronauts,
After arrival of the AR, here is my first track with MD+AR only.
It is a techno jam, live recorded (stereo out of mixer to soundcard), edited and mastered with computer.
Very nice indeed. The Rytm sure is peaking my interest.
Thanks !
It is a very inspiring machine ! I don’t regret my investment for the moment
Interesting sounds for sure. The MD & AR seem to pair well together.
… may I ask, how is your chain ? MD into AR, or AR into MD, or do you sum them in an external mixer?
(i have problems with MD into AR, since the compressor ducks it too much, or messes with the levels too much)