World Music Treasure Hunt

This is turning into the throat singing thread


That’s fine

Change of scenery

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It’s been a controversial term for a while now. No clear alternative though, maybe ‘non-western’?

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‘Our world album of the month column has, meanwhile, been renamed global album of the month’ :upside_down_face:


Is the most Guardian quote ever.


Sure? Didn’t know that could be seen as a bad thing. I meant “world” as literally anywhere in the world. No problem with either here.

And a good one. What a wild jam.

I wouldn’t worry, it’s clear your intentions are good. I mean, even the Guardian couldn’t think of anything better to call it, so…

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Braindance is English ethnic music, right?
I could quote the Bea **** but I intend to remain in the benevolence (and in the music).

For the Ethiopiques, these are such crazy compilations and out of everything!
There is a before and after the discovery of this monument for my ears. It accompanied so many moments of importance.
In addition, pro tip, these are pretty much the only records that I can, without rebellion, play all my guests at home while remaining 100% in the pleasure of listening.

Maybe avoid settling suspensions with the Ethiopiques, except for the low riders …

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Crazy rhythms with a hellish groove.
Some incredible voices. The cradle of humanity and music.

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Who cares honestly, I just posted the article because someone was curious and it gives a solid background on the debate. Let’s not derail a good thread with culture war shit :v:


An iranian web radio with fantastic content.
Not sure it’s very active today.


According to the Guardian article, the term World Music was originally created for record stores. And it makes a lot of sense for everyone in that context. A good way to file music from around the world, outside of commonly known genres in the west. The alternative would be to have separate categories for the hundreds / thousands of genres and subgenres, each with a couple of albums in. Which would be a mess. I can partly understand that some of the musicians don’t enjoy being lumped in with so many others, but complaints of marginalisation seem a bit misplaced to me. I think the use of an umbrella term to channel music fans into potentially discovering new genres is of benefit to everyone. Once a style becomes popular enough, it’ll stand on its own (eg Afro-Cuban, K-Pop, etc)

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I care that people care :crazy_face:. But you’re right. Onwards.

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Objectively the best thing ever

Also great


I wanted to take this record on Bleep just for the cover,
but the Brexit tax got the better of me.