WIP (post for feedback on your work in progress)

Hey nauts. In the spirit of the january jam thread, here’s my little idea to keep the same energy going. This is a thread for “song tweets” – clips of stuff you’re working on that’s maybe not yet fit for public consumption beyond the safe confines of this lovely forum but that you’re trying to get over the finish line.


  • one-ish clip per person per day, one post per clip
  • clip should be yours
  • comments/updates without clips are also very cool… tell me how to finish this lol
  • have fun



Similar to the Current sounds thread?


May I introduce you to the hottest thread for this:

Edit: Tchu corrected his link. But yeah, come on in, the water’s fine :slight_smile:


Thanks. Very similar, but i thought that was mostly jams / gear demos and not tracks people were working on finishing. Totally open to the possibility that maybe that’s not a useful distinction for others and i won’t be offended at all if this gets buried from inactivity!


I think this is ‘enough’ different, surprising that a WIP feedback thread doesn’t exist already


Ever since dedicating it all to the ol’ mighty OT MKII, my production style has changed.

I now make music that’s mostly “on-the-grid”.

Still no 4x4 - but “on-the-grid” regardless.

I programmed this track on a Roland SH-101 and a Boss DR-55.

Any feedback appreciated.

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Nice, i like that wonky bass line / melody thing. What kind of feedback are you looking for? If you’re trying to turn this into a track I’d say it needs another section or a few… extend the length, build some tension and release. Also, it went kind of out of tune (to my ears) at the end (like at 38s).

Thanks for the input.

In someways, I was simply looking for a critique - input on whether or not it’s enough to simply have one synth and one drum machine making up a full track. (This was just a warm-up demo)

I have MANY melodic tracks like this composed, but I’m wondering if this is the way to go about making full tracks - 1 drum + 1 synth - because this is how I work due to having hardware limitations on my audio interface. And I’m also focusing on mastering my recordings, since I am know to be bad at it.

With these vintage synths though, one can’t really make different parts and such; so I focus on live tweaks in my tracks. It’ll definitely be hard to add live progressions to this with what I got.

And that out-of-tune’ness only lasted 1-bar… which was on purpose to show the classic LFO on the SH-101.

Is that the wonk you’re talking about?

That’s what makes the 101 a 101!

Wonk — I just meant cool and rhythmically interesting. Talking about the bass line going the whole time.

Out of tune part — idk what it means to show the LFO in a track, nobody listening is going to hear that or an LFO IMO they’re going to hear it as you messing up. I’d cut it, but it’s your art!

I think it’s definitely enough instruments to make it sound full but you could layer some stuff in your DAW (or OT) if it’s not giving what you’re going for. Pretty minimal rn but you could fill up more of the frequency spectrum in some parts to create a build up (deep bass, high highs), then cut stuff for release (like the bass). Check out Wata Igarashi for an example of really simply instrumented techno w some incredible fullness and movement.

Just spitballing!!