Will this ever Work? [OB Win10]

It worked for a week, on Win 10, 64bit, Cubase 9 and now this:

And yes, i updated the OS on the AK.

I use it on Cubase 9, WIN7, works there, not tried WIN10

On Win 7 here has no chance of working, keeps freezing the whole PC.

Oh, that’s rough…

maybe if you uninstall overbridge plugin all the way (deleting user settings, etc.) it might reset everything so it checks for correct OS properly once again after you reinstall it

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It used to work perfectly for me on a Win 7 and Win 10 /FL Studio 11.x setup. Then I had a HDD crash. Tried both operating systems over again JUST for overbridge and eventually bailed.

I don’t need it for the way I work, it would just save me a bit of time is all. I’m happy to record audio the slightly more old fashioned way. Though I’m seriously considering getting a small keyboard amp and getting a bit more air/space in my recordings.

Windows 10 problems here. It says it doesn’t recognize my AH, but it does recognize it doing some things. Super frustrating. I have not contacted support yet, but will soon.

Adding to the thread. I’m also having issues. The program worked flawlessly for two weeks, and now the GUI freezes up. Everything seems to work somewhat, but you can’t see any of the changes in realtime since the window is frozen. My AK still works as a soundcard for the CPU, and OB detects the keyboard when I plug/unplug it.

Anyone else having this problem, or found a solution? I see Overbridge help is hard to come by around here…