Is it something that could happen? Or am I wishing for the moon?
I don’t see how it could be done without hardware revision/mod.
You can get *CV-Midi converters, the Oplab from TE works pretty well, and I think Doepfer makes one although not tried it. Also if you have a Monotribe with midi you can use that as a *CV-Midi converter.
*Note CV to Midi, not Midi to CV
About as likely as discovering that the outputs are actually dual-stereo, like the CV out, so that we suddenly have 4 mono outputs with an insert cable. Oh my goodness that would be so awesome. The one thing that I consider a design failure on the A4 is the lack of individual outs for all 4 tracks.
I don’t know whether the audio inputs could be set up to process CV, but a) it would be essentially a CV-MIDI conversion rather than true CV and b) I would be worried about overloading them. You have better hope of an DSP-based envelope-follower modulation source.
I would totally love if the A4 inputs could be used as Envelope Follower style source for the filters/amplitude!
I know right?
There’s nothing preventing that - it’s not expensive in computational/DSP terms at all, just a moving average of the rectified input signal. In fact if you low-pass filter the external input on one channel and tehn set a neighbor track input on the next channel with AM of another oscillator, you can achieve something similar - not the same, but similar. If you’re processing external drums then it’s ‘good enough’ to get some interesting effects. But I hope they will put this in, it would open up a lot of possibilities. Cross-modulation is the weak point in Elektron synthesis, I often wonder why they can’t handle self-modulating LFOs.
I don’t see any hardware reason why the audio inputs could not be used as ‘Frequency to voltage followers’ and ‘envelope followers’ but putting CV into them could be dangerous since they are probably not designed for more than 5v p-p and are probably AC coupled.
The AC / DC option could be software…I’m gonna dream until we get confirmation.
I mean, the MachineDrum handles drum triggers okay. Isn’t that 0-10? I harassed Elektron for a greater range and more parameters to control on the MD with the A4.
Still, the combo works for some (limited, but still fun) CV to MIDI. Nothing’s broken for me yet…and now that I think about it, I could get some stuff going using the MachineDrum’s MIDI lfo’s to control the Octatrack or Analog 4 for fake envelope action!
It’d be cool to get trigger in on the A4 for controlling with the MD too…
But, yeah, I want it all! A CV in/Envelope Follower on the Octatrack so each CV out on the a4 can control 4 parameters (using only 2 inputs) would be nice. The Monomachine’s vast, untapped userwave space could function as a CV recorder.
+1 for cv/gate inputs… I mean it’s an analog synth for cryin’ out loud… we should be able to drive it with a 303 or any other analog synth or sequencer, and for better interfacing with the modular world where midi and even clock are not essential, but cv/gate is critical.
+1 on individual outs as well so that a performance can be multi-tracked and the artist is able to actually vibe the performance and modulation of each part against each other without having to do multiple takes in the studio for each part. It is discouraging when composing parts on the A4 knowing that you won’t be able to perform them simultaneously while recording them independently.
All that said, for the price point they arrived at, there is simply no better or more capable and feature-packed 4 voice on the planet, period.
I’d settle (dance for joy) for CLOCK or TRIGGER in, via the audio inputs, with that rate echoed to the DIN and MIDI outputs.
Goal - use gate/trig clock source (modular, LFO, pam’s workout, circuit bent things, old drum machines, DIN24 output from less old drum machines) as the MASTER clock, use A4 as a translator to drive things connected to A4 MIDI out and A4 DIN out. Simultaneously is best, just MIDI out would be fine. Also, up- or down clocking via the A4 would be really nice.
Darenager - I saw your video using a midified Monotribe as a CLOCK to MIDI translator. I thought that Korg sync was 4ppqn (sixteenth note pulse). Does it upclock a 4ppqn pulse source to a 24 ppqn MIDI clock output? (Please say yes). Or does it straight-across, 1-1 translate incoming pulses to midi clocks? Or something else, of course…
Thanks, KevinC
^ I believe there is some clock multiplication going on, because the monotribe sync is actually only 8 pulses per measure, but it puts out midi at the correct tempo. So for example if you send 8 pulses per measure at 120bpm, the monotribe will spit out midi clock at 120bpm. Interestingly it also allows you to “wonk the clock” so for example you can swing or have shuffle etc, pretty cool.
Thanks very much, Darenager, that’s exactly what I needed to know ! Good luck with A4 drum samples, I’ll be in the queue for that.
A couple of other options:
- Keith McMillen Instruments QuNexus is not only a really cool expressive touch keyboard interface, but also has multiple cv/outs, gate, and cv/in for $149. and coupe that with their Midi Expander for $49. you have yourself very versatile and totally configurable with editor, like a Kenton on steroids. Plus, you could use the keys to input notes and velocity (do not think the poly after touch transfers in rec mode). The QuNexus also has midi dispatcher built-into it and configurable to play MnM or A4 poly as well. Am still learning A4 and cannot wait to use new toyz with her!
- Find yourself a Waldorf Pulse+ (not regular Pulse, has to be the “PLUS”), as it not only is an analog 3 osc monosynth but also has a full cv/midi converter, multiple cv outs, and makes a very nice marriage to the A4.
Dual stereo outs would make so much sense! It’s easy to find out if it’s the case though, and yes, it likely isn’t. But it should have been there if components/space is the reason behind the decision to only have two outs. On the other hand, the FX track is likely a reason too. My A4 is still on order - who wants to open theirs?
edit: and the octa has two stereo outs…