Why neighbor and not route-able?

I understand the Monomachine has the ability to route any one track to another to stack FX. With the OT, we’re limited to adjacent tracks. Anybody know why the step back?

I think (semi educated guess) it has something to do with tracks 1-4 running on one cpu core and tracks 5-8 on the other and that it would require a buffer that would introduce latency to run track 5 as a neighbor to track 4.
I would love to have a bus track that could mix in other tracks pre or post and dry wet settings but my guess It’s probably never gonna happen.

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well, you can re-sample. try using micro timing to nudge the record trig a bit.

I find the way envelopes work on the octatrack’s neighbor tracks kinda strange.

depending on your setup, you can fake this in a limited way with the master track. just use the cue outs like they were your mains, and then you can ‘send’ to the master using each track’s main level. not ideal, but useful in some situations.

Nice tip! For some reason looking at the master as a submix bus has never crossed my mind but would do the job nicely.

Might this be the reason why I can’t seem to use track 5 as a neighbor to track 4?
Just noticed this issue and got no clue as to where the cause of this lies. (If I try to assign a neighbor machine on track 5, I get an error saying “not available here”.

Might this be the reason why I can’t seem to use track 5 as a neighbor to track 4?
Just noticed this issue and got no clue as to where the cause of this lies. (If I try to assign a neighbor machine on track 5, I get an error saying “not available here”.[/quote]
You can’t use a Neighbor track on Track 1 or Track 5.

Function as designed.

My understanding / educated guess is exactly the same as NRain’s. Octatrack has two DSP’s. DSP #1 handles tracks 1 to 4, DSP #2 handles tracks 5 to 8.

NRain: I would love to have a bus track that could mix in other tracks pre or post and dry wet settings but my guess It’s probably never gonna happen.

Does anyone seriously think there will ever be any new machines, effects etc?

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