Why is this forum so nice?

It’s seemingly zero girls because there’s to many dicks online.

If there was 50% girls/women here that you could easily identify by name and/or avatar, in what way would that change your visits here?

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Maybe, but still girls aren’t avoiding social media because of people being dicks. They are used to dealing with jerks anyway. How would it change my visits here if half the people were girls? I’ll dodge that question slightly, the entire forum would benefit. Girls are pretty much the same as guys but a touch more subtle, this subtle touch somehow makes things feel more enjoyable. It makes a party worth being at and house worth living in. So I’ll go back to the question directly it wouldn’t only make my visits more enjoyable here but it would make the forum more vivacious than it is and I think that’d be cool. I think everyone would see a more lively forum.

Electronic music instruments and especially Elektron instruments aren’t exactly designed to be appealing to women. They are all basically meant to be “cool toys” for boys. Now I’m not trying to stereotype and say things need to have pink ponies and butterflies and stuff, but from a design perspective men and women like different things and it’s pretty obvious these kind of things are designed for men.

There are definitely some girls on here (was talking to one just the other day, hence the joke about the “rumor”) and into Elektron instruments (there’s some youtube channels if you hunt for them). But the proportion is probably hugely out of whack compared to men and in my opinion a big part of that is probably instrument design and marketing. Also I have a feeling men are more likely to want to “talk nerdy” about all the intricacies of the gear whereas maybe not as many women are interested in that, which is going to skew the “forum presence” even more.

lol right, those are good points, I’m not confused why girls aren’t on here and I agree about Elektron gear being very masculine and quite heady…

In what way would Electronic music instruments (and especially Elektron instruments) be changed to be appealing to women?

Is technology (cables, voltage, specifications, software, computers, electronics) = masculinity?

We do have to get this back on topic, plus experience has shown that there’s sadly little chance of a thread covering aspects relating to gender ending well, it’s sad but true. The same would apply to a topic veering into politics and so on.

FWIW: Of the many many users there are certainly dozens of women - and more we won’t know about - I still have a hunch that the ratio is not on a par with the ratio of women/men doing music with tech like this - but with no real stats it may also be that the ratio roughly reflects the reality.

Either way, we do our best to ensure that Elektronauts is welcoming to the broadest demographic and there’s not too much overtly laddish stuff (maybe partly why it’s nice) which would put anyone off - but the strength of Elektronauts is that there’s always someone around willing to chip in and help someone out

But please, let’s keep this one positive thread as it is and get it strictly back to topic even though I agree that having a membership better representing the population would improve things further


Thanks @avantronica

One of the reasons this forum is so nice is that we have awesome moderators. (Modulators :wink:)
They deal with all of our possible inappropriate shenanigans no matter which way they are going and I’m sure that’s not as fun or easy as it sounds, it’s probably stressful at times…
Sure some might think it’s too much but the place would probably be a mess a lot of the time without them, so I appreciate the team that helps steer the ship…
I’m sure it’s more welcoming in general here because of their efforts…

Thanks @PeterHanes, @LyingDalai, @AdamJay, and all the rest…

In case anyone’s wondering, I’ve been modulated multiple times… :joy: I’m pretty friendly but also a wingnut and can get an attitude, whatever they’ve told me I’ve agreed with and respected… And appreciated the advice steering me back to a good spot…


Maybe you are right in general that women tend to talk less about technical matters … maybe they just don’t talk but make music :wink:

I enjoyed Suzanne Ciani explain her setup after her concert … quite detailed, I would say … and there is much to learn … making me wanting such a machine too … dreaming …

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Man, I thank my wife and listen every day! :joy::heart_eyes:

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Just wanted to say that this is one of the most pleasant experiences of a user forum I have recently experienced.
Well done all for not falling prey to the faceless, toxicity that can pervade forums.

A Community Manager’s dream!

Long live learning :slight_smile:


It has tried to creep in a few times but has always been nipped in the bud by our great mods. :wink:
Toxicity is not needed in this forum. We come here for friendly chat about the toys we love. :slight_smile:
That is all,


:person_in_lotus_position: :heart: :peace_symbol:
Thank you for the kind words.


If I sold all my Elektron machines I’d still be hanging around here. I love you all, sometimes it needs to be written down :thup:


Who the hell are you to come in here and judge this forum?! Huh?! What the hell is your agenda, man?! JESUS!

:stuck_out_tongue: :wink:


We accept you still bro/ sis! :slight_smile:

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Err…yea. Okay.

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Everyone here is so helpful and it’s got such a chill vibe. Can’t believe it too me so long to find out about Elektron gear, it’s like a hidden level in reality I finally unlocked.

That’s all, happy late-Thanksgiving


Yes!! I used to go onto the synthesizers subreddit for synth info/news/tips but this place blows it out of the water.

Plus the forum design itself makes every other forum seem lame in comparison. The lack of redundant topics due to aggressive mods, the ease of navigating around topics with thousands of posts, the searchability… Every other forum seems primitive in comparison.

I mean the forum itself takes on the Elektron ethos… I think that’s pretty telling.


One would think a gardener needs to aggressively bat away any rabbits or other critters, yes? :slight_smile:

Heh, just merged this very thread.