Why is there no swing on the Arp?

It seems like an easy feature to add and it’s pretty irritating to not have a individual setting for the Arp and the Arp isn’t effected by the main swing settings either. So no funky shuffled Arps to dance to. This is going to make me by a midipal or something and hope the A4’s arp responds to a swung midi clock.

Elektron, please add swing for the Arpeggiator!


yepp…and something like “lock to grid”, when playing the arp “live”…so the trigger snapps to the given quantization…

I don’t think Elektron has arp swing on any of their devices, so don’t hold your breath

more annoyingly… no swing on the CV track either, fwiw !

lucky me i clock my a4 from an acme4…so swing is present with a little help of this neat box…

…there should also be a global swing grid…so odd patternlength would stay in swinging sync :wink:

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I’m not 100% sure if this would work, but you could try using the Future Retro Swynx sync box to generate the midi clock for the A4.


It basically takes any signal and adds swing to it, so devices that don’t have any swing options can be swung now however you want.

Not ideal even if it does work, but it might do what you need.

The alternate time signature options for swing sound really interesting but it looks like you have to generate the clock elsewhere and then it runs through the Swynx to add shuffle to the midi clock. So I guess you’d have to generate the clock with another device or somehow set the A4 to both send and recieve midi clock which might not be possible.

I was looking at the Mutable Instruments midipal which can generate a swung clock itself. http://mutable-instruments.net/midipal

I’m still not sure if the A4’s ARP would even properly respond to a swung midi clock. It looks like someone else on this thread is doing something similar but I wonder how the ARP would be reading clock divisions with all the SPD options of the ARP.

If only Elektron would add swing…

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Yeah, the Swynx definitely doesn’t provide it’s own midi clock so something else will have to feed it. Given their target market I can see why they left that out since there’s probably not a lot of people out there using a CR-78 as their studio’s master midi clock.

The MIDIpal might work, and is actually a little cheaper (and open source/modifiable.) Although like you said I have no idea if the A4’s arp would even be affected by a swung midi clock.

A friend of mine has a Swynx, so I might see if he’ll let me test it out with my A4.

I’m still not sure if the A4’s ARP would even properly respond to a swung midi clock. It looks like someone else on this thread is doing something similar but I wonder how the ARP would be reading clock divisions with all the SPD options of the ARP.

…sure it does…i do this all the time with my SND Acme 4…it produces a solid clock and you can define own swing-patterns beside the standard ones…the a4 runs flawlessly with the swinging clock without any dropouts…

btw. nice feature would be to “bake” an arpeggio into track :wink:

Great news indeed. I’m glad to hear there is a workaround, even though it should be a built in feature.

+1 Strange that theres no swing on the arp. Please add this Elektron

I’ve been asking this for years.

on all devices.

every time I get condescending, snide remarks, when I say that it is laughably ridiculous to omit such functionality.

I stopped asking.

Good luck in getting any helpful result out of this request :slight_smile:

As a solution, you can clock the Elektrons with anything that outputs a swung clock, and that swings the arps.

Or, select faster arps settings, and mute certain steps to approximate “swing” settings. Experimentation can be rewarding here, albeit technically it’s not the most direct way to get swing.

Beside all the elektron gear not having it, many others dont either.

I cant remember what specifically.

I do know my Q has it though its called T Factor and Arp Timing, which means any note/trig can be swung, not just 8ths notes as is most common.

Works a treat if you put in the ‘time’

Ah, ok. Guess we´ll just work with with what we have then :slight_smile: