Why is it always UNTITLED?

every time i name a project and load it it still says UNTITLED at the top of the screen even though i can see the name i made displayed in the Load Project screen.

what am i doing wrong?


That is the name of your pattern that is being displayed on the top of the screen


ahhh, i see. thank you

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You can change it by pressing the […] button and choosing rename.


I relaize this is an old thread but is there a way to display the project name and or the bank name instead of the pattern name? Seeing untitled all the time drives me bananas and naming each pattern seems tedious at the moment.

as saving is quite a fast process, i started naming my patterns A01, A02, …

Not the solution you were looking for, i know, but helped me a lot in situations when playing live (to keep track of time when i know where i am) as i move through the patterns from first to last.



What do people use the Pattern Name for?

It’s still not something I consider much…

Would be helpful live, to keep track of where you are


It’s also useful when you chain patterns together to create arrangements.

It’d be helpful if it showed up in a list or something, at the moment you have to actually switch to the pattern to see its name.

A list to toggle would be more helpful, for sure

Seems a bit of a design flaw to me.

Would be nice if this space was used instead to display chain progress A01>A02>A02 or something useful…

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Even just by default calling the patterns A01, A02, A03… would be better than UNTITLED imo