Why is Elektron soo bad at Pads

I’ve wondered this as well. Maybe it’s more of a live-use consideration? Do people tend to hit pads harder in the heat of live performance?

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I think they simply didn´t pick up the right provider ´cause they didn´t give them that importance. To me is a mistake, they could have brought other kind of customers.


Really comes down to personal preference. I think the Rytm MKII pads are perfect. But can see how people would want them to be more sensitive. Would be best if there was some sensitivity config to tune to taste. (There’s velocity config, but sensitivity to even trigger would be best).

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Korg’s padKONTROL (the old gray ones) is still great to this day (and has MIDI DIN, XY pad, etc). Maschine MK3 pads are more sensitive though, but I do like the rebound/feel of the Korg’s better. Presonus Atom’s are okay but I got double-triggering from them and they felt a little less sensitive than the Korg pads. Love the small form factor though of the entire unit. Launchpad X and Pro MK3 are great but the pads themselves are too small for me. Haven’t tried the Akai’s but I hear the MPC Live/X pads are great and the MPDs are not.


I’m kinda surprised the free market hasn’t sought to correct it.

Especially on Rytm MK1 as so many are now out of warranty. MPC style “phat pad” aftermarket upgrades, but translucent, could be real cool.


Same. I remember upgrading my old MPD pads back in the day and it was a significant improvement to the playability of them.


RIGHT? I thought we’d see a deluge of this stuff come first batch end of warranty.

That’s it: im emailing MPC stuff now.


This does suck to hear still about the mk2 pads.
I know some people like them but damn… still trying to make my mind up.
This doesn’t help lol

Why bother to make the pads bigger on rytm mk2 when they are that bad.

Was anyone ever brave enough to mod those? I know people modded mpc pads by putting cork pads under the pads.

To see now that even on the m:c the pads are basically not useable really makes me facepalm. Just make them softer and more responsible. On m:c and rytm mk2 in 40% of the time iam not triggering a sound at all. My hands are just to weak to hammer this hard for long. Facepalm

HPD20 best hands pad experience for me.
(it’s like Roli Seaboard Rise for midi keyboard, but for percussions)

I think Nord Drum 3P, is great at pads as well (drum stick)

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Response from MPC STUFF:

“just not in our scope right now since we are not super familiar with the unit.”


Probably no one is asking…cause no one has it…cause pads :arrows_counterclockwise:


Had a nord drum 3p. With sticks it was absolut great. Best ever. But i want the best drum maschine to be the best drum maschine. Or else leave out the pads and make it way smaller

I quite like Rytm MKII pads, not too bad at all IMHO.
Rytm MKI I found a bit stiff, M:C seems a bit stiff too but I don’t think finger drumming is it’s aim, for pressure they are alright I think.


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Since mode 1 on the rytm mk2 is „play“, finger drumming seems to be the aim.

I wouldn’t say Ae is techno.


I never got finger drumming. Why not play drums? Each to their own. Lots of digital or real things you can clatter to make some fun jams

It’s been said…

  • can’t afford a kit
  • can’t have a kit cuz of neighbours
  • can’t play real drums
  • want to make beats that feel lively

I prefer mechanical feel.


Why not play piano? Synthesisers aren’t real instruments, this is never going anywhere

-people in the 50’s


Yeah I program music because I can’t play instruments tho I can figure out any post rock FX with a guitar and my OT - strumming is another story xD same with drums my hands don’t sync up , I had a friend who got me into drum machines he was a drummer and he could beatbox :rofl: lucky punk ! But yeah I can’t drum for shit maybe that’s why I make weak ass polyrhythms :wink: still learning how to make dope drum patterns on my machines without any actual music theory or knowledge besides my :ear: ears.

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