Hey i just wanted to know if I am the only one who feels like in a empty desert…
No comunication… no community suggestions for features, no feedbacks etc.
how about: " hey guys, we are about to release a great update soon, in about week or two for x,y “, or " we are working on a soundpack release for x,y” , or “what is yout update suggestion for x,y?”…
are we in the cold music machines war or what?!
it’s so stupid.
i feel like a fool…
Blame it on the summer; it’s even hot in Sweden now and NAMM/Messe are not precisely around the corner.
BTW, they just released an 808 pack for the AR, and the Overbridge is expected in a few months, hopefully weeks…
Because they’re smart.
DSI has guys talking to people on the DSI forums and all it does is raise false hopes and expectations and lead to speculation which, if not fulfilled, results in whining, complaining, and disappointment.
I feel like I must have a weird situation whereby I have a choice to buy or not to buy electronic instruments. I can even research them and test them out, usually with a 30 day return period to make sure I like them.
This must not be the case for some people, clearly there are some secret synth agents going around and forcing people at gunpoint to buy certain products judging by the amount of complaining I hear.
So if Elektron was here making all kinds of promises and acknowledging feature requests, then people would be spending far more time complaining that those hinted or even acknowledged items weren’t immediately getting done.
So be glad about this, because without this silence the forum would go from like 10% complaining to about 70-80% complaining like the DSI forum.
I’m a bit surprised by what you wrote. I get a lot of communication from Elektron: about two email newsletters per month, countless tweets, the occasional video, and posts on the forum from Elektron employees Jon, Ufuk, Dataline, Olle, miketheman, and (most entertainingly) /mr. There have been some justified complaints recently about delays in user support response, and the above employees belatedly came on to the forum to apologise.
It’s an absolute sign of both confidence in their plans and realism in the nature of the tech business that Elektron doesn’t post advance notice of new products and features. To do otherwise would be to just string people along.
That said, I’m as keen as anyone else to hear news of development to the Octatrack, and for proper SysEx documentation for all the products.
The best way to get communication going is by using the tech support webpage for support issues or feature requests.
Isn’t Overbridge a Q4 2014 thing? Which means it will probably be Feb/Mar before we see it.
Anyway, there is a lot of comms and a reasonable presence on the forums. PeterHanes mentioned “confidence” and I think as far as the A4, AK and AR go they are full of confidence and really delivering. I still think they are letting a few down with the OT though. The MD/MnM have both been developed realistically but I’m not sure what’s going on with the OT. Can they be arsed? Is the unit lacking the DSP to do anything? Is it too costly? Who knows!
I knew what I was getting into with the OT so I’m not really complaining. Anyway, I’m not really sure what sort of comms are expected - I think there is plenty! Maybe it’s a sense of not much chat after a very busy 6 month period from the guys?
it’s probably because of either https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvUQcnfwUUM, depends from where you look at it
I believe that the only thing that we have heard officially about the OT is what Jon wrote on the forum on 12 March, shortly after the Overbridge announcement:
- Unfortunately the Octatrack hardware don’t support Overbridge. But don’t worry - it is definitely not on its way out.[/quote]
I interpret Jon’s statement as meaning that there will be some kind of software update for the OT with new features, and no OT Mark 2 unit in the foreseeable future. But the software update for OT would presumably have to wait until they are confident that the AR, AF, and AK are well-established and that Overbridge is ready to be launched. The amount that they have invested both in the new analogue hardware technology and in Overbridge development means that they have to ensure that their income is solid before returning to OT updates.
Returning to the original poster’s point, Overbridge is a remarkable (unusual) example of Elektron announcing a product/feature about a year in advance of it shipping, likely because of Roland’s announcement of a similar feature for the Aira products.
Wow, you’re reading in a lot for 11 words! Hope you’re right!
to the OP … is that a smiling bear having intercourse with a bee hive in your avatar?
other than this:
I think elektron would have to employ 1 person on 50% employment in order to read all the threads and reply to a good few of them … costly, not too costly but costly…
my 2ct on updates:
there wont be any updates ever again. so dont whine about it, dont wait for it. (go back to start)
if there is an update be happy about it, dont expect another update. (go back to start)
overbridge … will come 2015, late 2015. dont wait for it. if it comes be happy, dont expect updates. (go back to start)
love this forum! love you guys!
More communication from Elektron in one of the Octatrack threads:
So I think that the medium-term prospects for a software update look good.
I agree Peter, these Elektrodudes are busy, numerous, and smart: good combo!
no. the bear is holding a BIG pine cone…
I thought it was a beaver with his tail between his legs
First rule of marketing: Only talk about products you ship.
(see also-> Apple Inc.)
Elektron is silent just because they are working hard on the Octatrack MK2.
I have worked at R&D for a company doing niche products for a few years… I 100% understand Elektron’s choice of silence and I’d do the same if I were in their feets.
Talking too much on a forum or social medias inevitably leads to:
- overpromise on stuff that is still in development and that could be delayed, cancelled, etc. making customers angry
- leak confidential info, even inadvertently. Your enemies read your forum daily you can be sure of that.
- having a non-consistent speech between several team members, leading to a weaker company image and confusion among customers
- having support questions sent to your PM inbox and not by the ticketing system causing degradation in customer service
In this business and that type of industry, keeping a low-profile and communicating only when needed is key to keep things under control.
Whilst I am happy personally to use the OT as is, many users appear to be either unhappy or simply crave info about the OT’s future.
Please Elektron HQ, possibly now would be a good time for some direction/info. Do we have some new features to look forward to. ?
Reading these pages I think Elektron are managing to do most of those things anyway, despite their silence. I think the first one is their entire marketing strategy for the Octatrack!
Discussing coming OS updates is tricky. There are many opinions on which features that should be implemented, how things could be changed et cetera. Some relevant, others more of the wishful thinking kind. Engaging in direct discussions about future OS plans could lead to misunderstandings and worse: not being able to live up to what’s been discussed. It’s dangerous territory from both a strategic, information clarity and credibility point of view.
But as previously stated: the Octatrack has not been forgotten.