Why do i need scenes?

you can do this indirectly in some ways… for example, on the OT you can p-lock both Retrig and R-time… so if you have some steps that have the R-time set to different values… (like 2 on one step, then .5 on another step, then .777 on another, etc.) but then you leave the Retrig parameter set at 0, then you can use a scene to lock the Retrig to 2 or 3 or something, and then when you activate that scene, those p-locked parameters will also come into play and affect the timing of the Retrig, then when you go back to the default, the retrig stops happening and those p-locked parameters arent affecting it anymore

this concept can be applied in a number of ways… basically the idea is that you set up conditions for a particular scene with p-locks on parameters that directly relate to other parameters which are then activated by that scene

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I haven’t actually gotten my Rytm yet, but as far as I’ve understood, scenes are global, right? So say you have 5 patterns with different trigs and settings - a scene will still do its thing regardless of which pattern is active, right? Or is a scene tied to a specific pattern?

scenes, as well as perf macros, are always tied to the kit. They are not global.

You can copypaste em between diff kits too!


Ok, thanks! But do they work across patterns? Or does each pattern have 16 scenes?

As long as your patterns all use the same kit, they will work. If you use diff kits with your patterns, obviously you need to copypaste the scenes/macros that you want to use across all the pattns.

The ”kit reload on chng” setting might affect how this all works when moving between pattns - try it both enabled and disabled if things act wonky.


Cheers! Thanks. I don’t think I’ve ever used two kits for a track, so should be fine then. :slight_smile: