I’m between projects right now so I’m gonna shuffle some gear in and out. The goal is to end up with a slightly smaller setup and a new laptop.
Out of all my gear, the ones I know for sure I’m keeping are Live 9 Suite w/Push and a Novation Ultranova. I also have a Tempest, Maschine, Korg Volcas (all 3) and Moog Prodigy I’m debating selling. (pretty sure I’m gonna sell the Moog.)
Option A:
DSI Tempest
Elektron A4
Push / Live9 Suite
Novation Ultranova
Option B:
Elektron A4
Korg Volca Keys/Bass/Beats
Push / Live9 Suite
Novation Ultranova
Option C:
Elektron A4
Maschinedrum (non UW)
Push / Live9 Suite
Novation Ultranova
Option A is more streamlined and less cable mess. But I think Option B gives similar functionality, perhaps a bit more diversity. I suppose I could get it all and let it sit on the credit card (0% interest) while I decide.
Problem is if I do that I’ll probably end up keeping everything and then I’ll need a bigger desk & mixer. Not the intended effect!
Hmmm… I’d pick A & B over C. It’s just a personal opinion thing regarding tempest/maschine vs a machinedrum.
It’s a tough one between A and B though! Are you likely to ever get Komplete? If so, then keeping Maschine would be useful though not a deal breaker.
I have Maschine, an OT, Tetra, and X-Station as well as Live 9 Suite so not dissimila to you… I really like the volcas but I’m sorely tempted by a Tempest. I think that’d make for a great combo with my gear. The volcas do look fun though.
Def a tough one. Streamlining makes a lot of sense and finger drumming with Push (as well as all the other features it brings) is as much fun to me as Maschine. A probably just edges it.
I’m gonna lose the Maschine. It’s just duplication with Push, and one more thing I have to depend on the computer for.
I’m down to:
A4 (ordered one today)
Tempest or Machinedrum (still can’t decide)
I have had Tempest for quite a while. It’s good, but I feel like I’m kind of sick of it. I had a Machinedrum for a short time and feel like I could really get into it.
So yeah, gotta decide on that one. I don’t want both. I’m going for simple. One keyboard, one synth, one drum machine, and push/live9.
I had the MD for only about 2 days, but I managed this with it:
Like you said, Maschine is redundant in a lot of ways with Push and Live. From what I understand the MD is more live friendly that the Tempest, so I’d use that myself.
I guess it depends on how you were using Maschine (and Push for that matter). For me, being able to browse Komplete easily and control x number of parameters with the encoders is a real time saver. I know browsing Komplete presets is possible with Push though. I’d prefer Maschine + an APC40 to Push but this comes down to horses for courses.
Since you have ordered the A4 it probably makes more sense to go for a Machinedrum. I think I would have picked a Tempest over the A4 though and picked up something else but again, horse for courses!!! I know they are different beasts but it comes down to how you would use them.
Maschine is definitely out. Push is definitely staying. Ultranova is definitely staying. Still trying to decide on the Macbook, or just toughing it out with my two year old PC Laptop. (it’s been dodgy with some large Live sets lately…)
Sold the Prodigy last night. Bought a A4 which should be here Friday.
Now Guitar Center f’d up the shipping, so I’ve got 20% off coming, plus I have 5% cash back 'till the end of the year on online purchases.
This makes the new price for a MD $787 …or an Octatrack for $975!
Now I’ve got a bigger decision to make. I am trying to keep my spending under control so if any of these come in, the Tempest is going to go out. But the idea of using the OT with my Volcas has me very intrigued!
Sorry, the computer is part of the deal. I like Ableton Live for building songs. Generally speaking if I go strictly OTB I end up building loops and having fun with them live, but nothing ever gets done.
Hardware is great for developing ideas and inspiration, but nothing beats a computer for fleshing it out and making it into something complete.
C for me. I have loads of fun sampling Live on the fly into the OT and also the reverse. I Maschine to create loops to slice up in the OT and to host vsts within Live for added control. You’d be able to pull off something very similar with Push. The Tetra is there for fun and that analogue vibe. The A4 and Volcas would fill that role with ease
If I stick with my crummy PC and sell the Volcas, I could add a Machinedrum for not too much cash…
The PC isn’t exactly horrible, in fact upgrading to a SSD might make it livable. I just kind of like the idea of grabbing one of the January 2013 MBPs while they’re still available and having a nice shiny new machine.
Well I got the Macbook, and the A4. Now I’m trying to decide if I want to keep the Tempest. I’ve also got Maschine. My options I’m considering:
Keep the Tempest and sell Maschine
Keep Maschine, sell the Tempest, and build a LXR
Sell Maschine, Sell the Tempest, and get a Machinedrum (non UW)
Ableton w/Push does decent with drums, but I do enjoy having something I can use with minimal computer use. Maschine fits that bill pretty well. The pads are nicer than Push for drumming, and I think it’s got way better drum sounds. Plus Maschine 2.0 adds drum synthesis which sounds really cool.