Which Drum Machine?

Hello Elektronauts,

I’ve been lurking for a while. this is my first post.

I’ve got it in my head that I need a drum machine. I’m interested in a Tempest, LXR digital drum synth, or Machine Drum more or less in that order but for different reasons.

Tempest because of the analog nature (I always fall for the analog marketing) and the pads (also the fact that people have a love hate thing with it intriguing). I’m not sure I really need any of the features that DSI has yet to implement. I would like to be able to load my own samples. I have an Octatrack, so not too hung up on that. I’d also like to keep my set up fairly small and it looks like the Tempest can do drums and some synth duties at the same time.

LXR because I am also interested in how it all works. It looks like a fun project. I’d be up for hacking the software. I’m a little bit concerned about that being a distraction. Normally I wouldn’t mind but I’ve been quite busy at work and want to focus on the music for my free time.

Machine Drum, well, I’ve had good experience with the Octatrack and it looks like a good combination and appears to be quite the workhorse.

I’m still trying to figure out what how to make music I like, but I enjoy twiddling the knobs and seeing what happens. I’d like to get competent enough to jam with other people and perform, so I’d like to find a set up that I don’t need to change too often and is fairly protable.

Interested in any reactions.

Well this is an easy one. Don’t dick about :slight_smile: … Get the pound for pound greatest drum machine ever made : Machinedrum.

Having just got one myself I would say go for the LXR. It’s insanely good and the cheapest by a longshot.

I am staggered by how good this thing is to be honest.

Yep the LXR is a neat little box for sure & incredible for the price.
But nothing beats the sonic scope & sheer range of features & all round goodness of the MD.

Buy an OT and fill it up with gold baby samples

Thanks for the inputs especially xmit’s “don’t dick about”. Looking over my post and the responses made me realize that the Tempest is the right drum machine for right now. Not that an LXR or Machinedrum aren’t extremely tempting.