What's your other hobby/obsession?

What other interests do you lot have other than elektron gear?

Power lifting, poetry, cooking, and guns

I practice Wing Tjun Kung Fu.

I play keybords in a funk band as well as accordion in a beat-music duo.
But most of my livetime i spend with physics and maths.
No, i’m not a nerd, i just enjoy great hobbies.

Photographing the underground.

Moar: http://www.flickr.com/photos/undermke/

Painting and welded steel sculpture, comparative religion, science fiction and graphic novels, guitar, board games

painting and vector illustration

Drinking and playing video games.

Yeah, music is as productive as I get…

Coding. That’s also my job :slight_smile:

modular synths
collecting more Elektron gear.

Sex Drugs and Rock n Roll


I play guitar and sing in two punk bands, take analogue photographs and watch a lot of comedy.

I draw from time to time.

I’ve become a fan of comics (and illustration) as a result of that (or maybe the other way around), but can’t stand the regular superhero stuff, so spend a lot of time searching for more “original” stuff (which isn’t very difficult with all the quality these days). Also a big football fan, I follow Tottenham Hotspur (just came home from a trip to London watching a couple of matches), play floorball and ice-hockey, and I quite enjoy just being out in nature, discussing science and religion, current affairs etc.

Mixed martial arts & BJJ, I am also training to do hypnotherapy & psycotherapy.

Nice! I trained BJJ for a while, thought it was great fun, but had to quit due to new job and work hours. How long have you been doing it? :slight_smile:

generative visual arts


DJing, working out and snowboarding. + I have a job :slight_smile:

This year I’m looking to incorporate a crossfit and yoga class into the mix. But snowboarding trumps all that if it’s good and I can get time away.

Graphic design mostly (which is my job), urban exploration, architecture & nature photography… I am also the co-founder of Xaoc Devices (a small company making eurorack synth modules) and a gear whore. And besides the electronic and related music, I am pretty much into hardcore punk, industrial and noise (collecting shitloads of records). From time to time I release stuff on my New Nihilism label.

Mucking about with live visuals, quantum mysticism, poetry and when I need a break from creative tech and over-thinking, this is my weapon of distraction…