What's your latest purchase & what are your intentions with it? [pics ftw] (Part 1)

Ooh, that is a bucket list synth for me… just for sole purpose of variphrase vocals!

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Hah. I just gave my girlfriend the headphones, put on the first preset ’Da V Code’, which is a latin monk choir and let her play for a while. She was really into it. This has basically never happened before with any of my other synths ever. The vocal stuff this thing does are just so compelling, even to someone who really doesn’t care about music tech.


Is it like the first Preset of this video?

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Yup, that’s the one. This synth has a lot of potential for vocals. A lot of potential alltogether.

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And it has Optical and Coaxial Ins and Outs, wow.


That’s a beauty. I’ve owned both the XT and GT models. Fantastic instruments. Wish I still had one.


Thats rad… How much did you have to cough up for one?

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Well, I was ready to part with a 1000€, but the seller wanted 1300. We settled on 1100 including postage.

Kinda expensive but I’ve been wanting one for ages. This really makes my day/week/month/year. Sold a couple of romplers to make space in the rack and they ended up paying for half the money. No regrets.


I actually though it was higher…
maybe I have a shot at one :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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EQ pedal for the RNC sidechain!

Interestingly enough, when using my ears, sloping the lows off works better than just full killing 50 and 120 hz frequency bands. So it seems right to filter off lows in a curve, like often filters are used with a -12db per octave slope, no?

On a sidenote: Thanking @dtr for H9 tips with a proper preset name.


Yeah, that’s the way I spend my royalties too. The best way to pay it forward/back!

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I’m jealous you bought and actually have a bookstore. Very cool. One of my dreams.


digdugDIY op-z trrs splitter. Intention is to get line, instrument, and mic level signals into op-z for sampling, live tape track manipulation, and audio interface capability (op-z can plug directly into iPhone for when I want to make a quick video but don’t want to use the computer to sync audio and video). Great little company.


I’m just glad there are still people willing to own and run a bookstore. I miss them so much.


I can recommend it from all my heart if you ever get a chance.

I’ve never had a better job and I really enjoy being my own boss. The sales have quadrupled since I became the owner of the shop. The previous owner was an old and tired man and running the shop was more of a hobby for him. I’ve turned it into a profitable business and I’ll soon be able to employ a friend of mine. That feels extra good.


Big congrats! One of the ones I regret selling (quite a few years back) - fantastic piece of gear!

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Nord Drum 3p.

this is easily the best synth I’ve bought in a loooong time.

I was a little burnt on sequencing things lately and have, thus, mostly been playing the Lyra-8 and Pipe because they’re so hands-on/live.

playing these drums/sounds on these pads is so much fun.


That is awesome. I imagine you must be in a pretty “hip” area or at least a bigger city. Augusta, GA would not support a book store. But man, however you’re making it work, that is incredible. Seriously.


Sold the OB-6 and picked up MFB Synth Pro, I’ve gone banana.
It’s the 2021 version seems solid so far, sounds incredible.