What's your latest purchase & what are your intentions with it? [pics ftw] (Part 1)

I’m pretty sure the S16 and S32 are stage boxes only.

Maaaaaan I want a Pro-something reissue so bad. I have U-he Repro and it sounds fabulous…I just want the hardware though.

Enjoy <3

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Ah, right. I think the DigiCos and maybe the high end Soundcrafts do that, IIRC, but yeah, the Qu and the SQ don’t have it available as conveniently.

I tried several synths and none sounded as big as this one… :robot:

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CXM 1978. It sounds fantastic but it is also a beautiful physical object.

It’s gonna take some time to fully explore it.


While I knew about this feature beforehand, the implications became really clear last night when I wanted to move some channels around. Previously, on the X32, this meant renaming the channel, changing the color, icon, trim, input source etc., etc. Now all of these properties are retained with the source and assigning them to different channels is trivial.
It’s going to take me another couple of days to rewire my studio. I’m ditching the patch bay and doing all routing through the Wing … those 48 stereo channels (total of 104 simultaneous analog inputs when you include the 8 line level ins, from 374 total!!) will fill up quickly.


Besides the aesthetics, I’m in love with the demos (“Knobs” et all) of this thing.

Digitone for the second time around! Mostly it was the new record modes in the 1.3 firmware that made me reconsider it. And trig preview! <3 A big gripe I’ve had in the past with Elektron sequencers is when editing the last bar of a 4 bar loop, and not being able to loop a portion of the pattern, like for instance the last bar. As I understand it, this is still not possible (I cannot for the life of me understand this design decision), but it’s much less of a problem with trig previews. :slight_smile:

Intention: To get better at the Digitone style FM sound design and sequence som other gear as well! I use Maschine+ now, and I think the Elektron sequencer will complement it really well.

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Just ordered now… in stock


fwiw, to do this you can rotate the desired part of the pattern to the first bar and set your pattern length to 16 steps. then just rotate it back when you’re done. the trigs aren’t deleted when you shorten the pattern length, so they’ll still be there for the other three bars when you change it back to 64 steps.


Oh! I haven’t thought of that! Thank you very much for the tip! <3 I hadn’t thought of that. But skimming the manual it seems like shifting/rotating is only possible on a per track basis? So I would have to hold [FUNC] and press right 16 times, then set the pattern length to 16. Better than nothing, but I still find it strange that you can’t loop a region within a pattern. Could be a great performance tool as well if you could select a range of steps and loop the an a per track basis for instance. I wonder why they haven’t implemented this…

haha it’s like some of the food brands at Aldi.


yeah it’s per track (or at least I’ve never seen a global rotate option…). so yes you may need to rotate them all. it depends upon your other tracks’ patterns I guess; whether/not you can reference against them to properly do your edits. also you can just press/hold the arrow button button and it’ll keep rotating. don’t necessarily need to press it the exact number of steps you want to rotate by.

I agree with you though, it would be a great feature to be able to select a portion of a pattern to loop. if you were working on the OT/MD/MnM, you could use arranger/song mode to choose a starting/ending step and then just loop that. sadly, they left this feature out of the RYTM/AR and the Digi boxes don’t have arranger/song mode at all.

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The just rereleased 7“ pressing of The Winston‘s Amen, Brother. Intention: own a piece of history.


The first of a few overlays, thanks Styleflip!
Intention: all gear must be BLACK :black_heart:


Get it!


It looks like leather.


Gap in the market there :call_me_hand:

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A rubber mat!


Drawmer 1968MKII, samson s-patch plus and hydrasynth…

Shinny toys are shinny ! :innocent: