What's the shortcut for previewing the end point of a slice in AED?

I know to preview the starting point you FUNC+YES - I saw on a video that there’s another combo for previewing the end point but for the life of me i can’t remember the key combo or the video!

Anyone know? Listening through whole (long) slices just to get the end of the slice right can be pretty annoying.

Hopefully someone here knows.

I don’t think there is an own shortcut for this. What you probably have seen was FUNC+YES with playmode set to “reverse”.


That is a very good advice for me! Another example for obvious things that can be hidden (at least to me…)

Thank you for it!

Apparently reverse or pitch isn’t considered with Fn+YES preview.
But it is using SLICE trig mode (Fn+Down arrow to select it).

Another way would be to create another short slice* to preview end, and match the long slice end to the short slice end (or start).

*Move the cursor with LEVEL to add a slice in a slice free area. Reduce slice end if necessary.


it 100% exists - i am completely certain it’s there. i’ll keep looking and I’ll report back when i find it.

Related things…


@Clancy it’s really interesting, so if you play last “slice” (being a start position), you can hear the loop from this last point to the beginning, that’s it ?

This works for a sample end, but wouldn’t work for a slice end unfortunately.

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A special combo to play before slice end ? I’d be glad to learn it. Never heard about it after almost 8 years here, reading almost all posts concerning OT…

How to be 100% sure of something you don’t remember ? :thinking:


I’m 50% sure it doesnt.
I only say that because I always have to factor in: I could be wrong.

To preview the end point of a slice, without playing the sample from the start, as people have already said = play it in reverse.

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hey there - because it’s not wether it exists but rather the combo and the the video i saw it in that i don’t remember! it’s killing me. i also remember that it was a fairly new shortcut. it played the last 3 seconds if i remember correctly.

it’s ok but this shortcut was as simple as FUNC+YES. you didn’t have to leave AED at all.

It should be in the manual that have been updated with last OS, or at least in last update “read me” file.

I was in the beta testers group for last OS, so I’m 99% sure this wasn’t in new features.

Btw it’s an interesting feature request. So if you don’t find it, don’t hesitate to write there :


100% doesn’t exist
100% does exist
50% doesn’t exist
50% does exist
Schrodinger‘s shortcut? :cat2:

I’m certain it has never existed as a key combo, beta tester since day 1.


Some of us know it doesnt exist… just waiting for the youtube clip to surface :wink:


put rate -63 on a scene on its own and it pretty much is that shortcut

Not the ‘plays last 3 seconds’ part though. Sounds great but maybe you read it in a feature requests thread…

… or confuse it with the SP404 MKII because there is that feature to listen to the end part of the sample.

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are you right?.. i think you’re right…

i was sure i’d seen it but idiot that i am, got the sampler wrong.

i’ll request it - it’s a nice feature.

sorry everyone.


i spent like four hours yesterday looking for the video :face_vomiting:

as someone else pointed out, i saw the feature on a sp404 vid and convinced myself to certainty it was octatrack.

Now, if you find it, how many times will you need to use the shortcut to recover those 4 hours? :laughing: