What's the likely source of latency in my current tracking setup?

So set ableton to slave and then is there option for overbridge to master within ableton?
I’m away from my computer at the moment.

I found this article to be helpful:

It’s about latency in Live in general, not only the Keep latency function.

Can you explain how you would configure Ableton for this. I.e., the MIDI settings in Live, are you using your audio interface or one of the one’s built in to the Overbridge device, etc.

I need to check in my daw but if I remember well I disabled Ableton midi clock and used only the one from Overbridge to sync everything. I also input my audio sources within my Digitakt

Well I think I may have come up with a solution/cheat. I sold the TR62 and Cycles and bought a Digitakt. Now I can run overbridge on both that and A4 and route the Hydra and Pro 3 through the inputs on each!
Fingers crossed my latency issues will be no more!

I had never managed to have 100% stable sync on a hybrid setup until I got a Midronome receiving the clock through audio from my DAW and then syncing all the MIDI + CV gear from it.

I’ve asked @fredweb (Oora) once on the chat of one of his YouTube videos premiere how he kept all his gear in sync and from what I remember he mentioned just using Overbridge (think it was the Rytm as a master clock through OB and MIDI to the other gear) to have a stable clock for the DAW and didn’t have issues with sync. So if that works for him I believe it’s definitely a way to try.