What's next for Elektron?

Hahahah spot on!!

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Gosh, took me days to get it…

I would say it’s more like:

He-le-vantchi M doish-miuu venti kuatrou


I could see Elektron selling machine packs / load outs for their future hardware. Where one could continuously swap out different machines to taste. Maybe a future Synth / Sampler is built to hold only a limited number of machines but Elektron has many times that amount on their marketplace. It’s a little too Roland-y for my taste. I don’t love this idea personally but I could see it as an additional money generator similar to how they sell their sample packs etc. what would be cooler is if there was an internal machine builder where one could design their own machines either via the Overbridge UI or from within the hardware itself.


I am also at this point with hardware. I think I could get everything done with a single elektron on a couch if they just put all the different machine types and fx on it, thinned it out, and used an easily replaceable battery for peace of mind (is that possible?). The need for multiple boxes, whether its models or digis, feels like a retro hardware maximalist thing that doesn’t fit with my needs right now.

That said, if they gave Syntakt all the DT capabilities and added polyphony and more synth types, I would be happy to just use a power bank.


Agree, at this point it feels arbitrary for DT and ST to be two different boxes. DN sorta makes sense to be separate. Would be pretty funny if they just killed off the DT entirely and added sampling to the ST, though obviously unlikely!


I do not get, why Digi boxes should be thinner. It won’t bring any advantage- as a company I would stick to the approach that combining more (or all) Digis creates an even surface (and looks damn appealing).

Secondly, my DT with a birdcord cable and a powerbank feels as portable as my 404MK2. I also use the 404 with a Powerbank to get way more running time as compared with using AA batteries. Additionally, I have a USB-C PD Plug with long cable sitting next to my couch where I often use it. Not having to unplug and carry around proprietary power supplies is a big relief.


Would love a box that combined 8 tracks of sampled audio (the current Digitakt machines) plus 8 tracks of Syntakt digital machines.


I just backed up my ST to move over to the e25 version. It showed as 2MB.

All that extra space could be very useful for samples!


This seems to be where a lot of us are at this point. A single device, portable, no need for cables and hooking things together.

This is interesting, perhaps we’re waking up from the covid parenthesis and now we want less fuss and more focus again? Perhaps Elektron’s old business model of arbitrarily separating their devices is out of touch with the times now - and besides, bad for the environment?


Let’s be honest though, if companies combine devices, it’s a huge hit on revenue for them.

I understand the want of the end user, I feel the same for a combined Circuit Tracks and Circuit Rhythm combo. But being realistic, it halves the sales for Novation. So Elektron would have to almost double the price for the combined device?


They could just sell the firmware/machines and save money on manufacturing different boxes, packaging etc.


I does not make much sense commercially reducing the product range to one device.

and I disagree it is not a retro hardware maximalist thing

Might do if enough people opt to buy, say, a Deluge instead of DT + ST.

i feel so to.
like: " this cant be added to digitakt because then octa is obselete" etc.
sampler half the price handle stereo and got proper slicing…
also as nice as the digi FW update was, its halfbaked in my view.
i think their product range is to much seperated with to much overlap.

I never understood why they split it up and I wonder if they actually sold better.
Also aren’t Tracks and Rhythm the same thing just with different firmware?

Or broaden their market. The reality is that Elektron has left a huge part of the market by not providing anything that’s truly portable (battery-powered, usb-c). There’s a reason why the Cirtuits and the MPC Live 2 are so popular. Or why everyone wishes the MPC One had a built-in battery. Or why Polyend Tracker Mini, MC-101, or even the Push now come with batteries built in.

Offer something that means you can truly use it on the go, as your focused device, with that wonderful Elektron workflow but without some of those arbitrary limitations of having to choose between samples or synthesis and they’d easily expand their market and generate a lot of buzz.

Focus the marketing around the idea of this being the device you take with you. Offer some accessories like maybe a good Bluetooth audio transmitter for those who want to use their in-ear buds instead of packing their large Audio-Technica ATH-M50X in their backpacks. And of course sell a few different protective cases in different colors. Make them a part of the product experience, make them affordable enough that a large amount of the users will buy one. Think about some other accessories to use it on the go, I’m sure there are more opportunities to increase the average profit per customer. Like make the battery replaceable and offer two capacity sizes and sell them with a decent profit margin. 2 or 5 hours of battery. Get a spare battery for on the go adventures.

Do all of this and maybe you no longer need to double the price anymore to get reach the same level of profit. The base product still sells for around 1200 EUR.


Could be an answer to the Polyend Play +. They are very different devices but now for 800€ you have a box (Play +) that can handle 16 tracks of samples and synths. Maybe a digitakt + with some machines from Syntakt would be a nice thing. And the most “advanced” machines (bits, swarm, the ones to come) would be reserved to Syntakt.


SY TOY would be a must for me. And regular ‘drumkit’ items like kick, snare, clap, hats would make a lot of sense, freeing up sample storage for other things (foley, loops …)

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yea play+ has limitations for sure - no sampling (cry.emoji). but having 16 tracks of samples & really good sounding synths, really good step sequencing & conditionals & a lush reverb / musical distortion in a well built portable-ish unit is amazin.

id love to see elektron do something along those lines. would give my left arm for em to make a fully fledged portable device (I’m right handed).


I never understood why DN/ST that store basically only presets and patterns would need 1GB drive, even if you try to fully maximize the presets/projects/patterns limitations, i.e. 128 projects with 128 patterns and full 2048 presets that’s gotta be less then 50, even 100MB…
that extra space cannot ever be fully utilized with the projects/presets limitations…